Wei Wuxian's Dilemma

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The trip was over too soon for Wei Ying. He wanted to stay longer, but Lan Zhan had clan duties, so they had to return when Lan Zhan said they would. They entered the Cloud Recesses, heading straight for the Jingshi. It was late, and the couple was tired. Wei Ying was already asleep, considering the long ride home mixed with Lan Zhan's warmth. Lan Zhan laid him down on the bed, covering him with the blankets, before proceeding to change for the night.

Wei Ying was half-awake when Lan Zhan crawled in beside him. He immediately snuggled up to the older boy. Soon he was in a deep slumber as before. Lan Zhan smiled and kissed the top of his husband's head.

Lan Zhan: "Good night, Wei Ying," he whispered.


The next morning, Lan Zhan returned to his duties, but not without his brother hassling him the entire time! He sighed. Xichen just wouldn't quit nagging him about their trip.

Lan Zhan: "Brother. Am trying to work," he spoke impatiently, though it was said just as calmly and gently. Xichen felt hurt, but then again, he had been nagging his brother the entire day. Maybe it was time for a change.

Xichen: "Alright, Wangji. I will see you later." He strolled out of the Library Pavilion, heading straight for the Jingshi. Only, Wei Ying wasn't there. Neither was he in the back hills. He wasn't anywhere Xichen could think of.

Back in the library, Wei Ying giggled. "Can come out now, Wei Ying."

Wei Ying popped into view, only it wasn't Wei Ying. It was Wei Wuxian! "You think he would've noticed me sitting behind you, sleeping the entire time," he laughed.

Lan Zhan: "What does Wei Ying want?" he inquired. He'd had enough of being bothered. He just wanted to finish his work and go home.

Wei Wuxian shrugged. He sat down across from Lan Zhan. "Lan Wangji, Lan Zhan, Hanguang-Jun, God of Light. What amazing names and titles those are! As for me, I am nothing but a villian, a traitor, and a heartbreaker. Along with being a demonic cultivator and the Yiling Laozu, I've pretty much have my end covered."

Lan Zhan: "Point?" He was impatient already because of his brother. Now his husband was being a bother by beating around the bush as they say.

Wei Wuxian: "I have a bit of a dilemma. Would you hear it out? Or are you feeling too impatient right now?" Lan Zhan placed his brush down and took a deep breath to calm himself.

Lan Zhan: "What does Wei Ying need?"

Wei Wuxian: "Now we're going places! Listen, I need you to protect me one more time. Don't look at me like that! I know you have been the entire time! Just hear me out, okay?" He breathed deeply and continued. "Those Nagas which were slain, they have a master behind them. Normally, they would be guarding the netherworld. However, it seems that someone has been using them for their own gain. I'm the prize they want so badly! Make certain they don't kidnap me again, or else you may never see me again. I have to leave you permanently this time, though I wish I wasn't. It seems I am being called away by someone who needs my help. Good luck to you Lan Zhan and see you in the next life!" He smiled brightly, kissing the male deeply. Then he disappeared.

Lan Zhan felt his heart break. He didn't want Wei Wuxian to leave either, but he knew it would happen eventually. He also knew he wouldn't be able to stay with this Wei Ying for much longer either. Not unless he wanted to live in that world permanently. He could do that! Couldn't he? He perked up a bit at the thought. Maybe, just maybe, he could.

Wei Ying stirred behind him. "Lan Zhan, what time is it?" Lan Zhan looked outside. Seeing it was dark, he placed his things neatly away and carried his husband to the Jingshi.

Wei Ying was in deep slumber. He was tired from their trip, which was a good thing. "Lan Zhan, my back is soar. Could you massage it for me?" He mumbled in his sleep. He was having a pleasant dreams. Lan Zhan sat on the bed, Wei Ying on his lap. He rubbed the younger's back. "Mmm. That feels nice. Keep rubbing." Lan Zhan did - for about an hour. Wei Ying finally stopped mumbling in his sleep. Lan Zhan still held onto him though. He didn't even bother changing him or himself. Instead, he laid down, Wei Ying wrapped in his arms.


Wei Wuxian awakened to a cold floor. I'm dead. I've been dead for years. His eyes fluttered open. Where am I? What is this place? He was suddenly kicked out of nowhere.

"Mo Xuanyu! How dare you snitch on me!" a boy's voice reached his ears. "Just because I took some of your magic items means nothing!" Another kick. "You live under my roof! *Kick!* You eat my food! *Kick! Kick!* You have the guts to snitch on me? You think anyone is going to believe you? *Kick! Kick! Kick!*"

The entire time Wei Ying was thinking, You dare to kick the Yiling Laozu?

"Make certain he doesn't leave this place!" the boy ordered. "We have guests from an esteemed clan coming today, and I don't want him making a mockery of us and being in the way!"

"Yes, Gongzi," the servant replied with a bow. The boy left with a wave of his sleeves. The door was shut and locked from the outside.

What a cocky bastard! He studied the small shed he was in. There were papers everywhere. The boy and his servants had broken everything possible. The thing which caught his eye though, was the ritual beneath him. Mo Xuanyu, how much hatred did you hold to do this ritual which sacrifices your soul? Why would you call me? I'm not a vicious ghoul. You didn't even tell me what your wish was, he thought, looking at the slashes on his wrists. Oh well. Looks like I have another chance to start over. Hopefully I don't run into that old aquantance of mine. That would just be my luck.

With that finality in mind, he kicked down the door. The servants screamed at first, not knowing it was only makeup. He looked up at the bright sun.

It seemed as though he remembered nothing from the world he'd created. Somewhere in his heart, he missed Lan Zhan and really did want to see him again, but his mind said otherwise. Wei Ying had a habit of listening to his brain rather than his heart. Something he would soon learn to change.

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