Life or Death

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Determined to save his brother, Xichen even nearly killed the assassin. "Take him away! Place him in the prison and keep a careful watch on him at all times!" He ran to his brother who was lying on the ground, bleeding profusely. "Wangji! Stay with me! Wangji!!" he cried out as Lan Zhan didn't respond to him. "No...You can't die on can't..." With all his strength, he lifted his brother up, holding him in one arm. Wei Ying was also lying there, so Xichen picked up the boy and carried him as well.

Although Wei Ying was much lighter, Lan Zhan was mostly muscle which accounted for most of his weight. "Wangji, why do you have to be so heavy?" Finally, he arrived at the Jingshi. Placing the two on the bed, as well as two guards just outside its gate, Xichen ran (yes he broke a rule, but it was an emergency) to the healer's. He slammed open the doors.

Luckily, Qiru was reading a text. He glanced up to see the sect leader standing there, disheveled and panting. He didn't need to be told something was wrong. "Tell me what happened on the way there," he affirmed. Xichen nodded, a bit perplexed, and led the way, telling Qiru exactly what happened. "I see," he stated simply as they walked inside. "May I see the blade?" he asked, holding his hand out.

Xichen removed the blade from his storage pouch. Qiru studied it for a good while. He handed it back with a smile. Xichen was confused as to why the healer was smiling. "It's a very simple poison with an even simpler antidote. The ingredients are all back in my pavilion. I only need one hour to create it." Xichen sighed with relief. "However, I cannot guarantee it's effects are pleasant." Xichen didn't care so long as the two could live.

There was a bang as if someone had kicked something solid. Indeed, when they looked over, Wei Ying had begun moving about in a crazy manner. Qiru knew immediately what was happening. He quickly ran to the boy and held him down somewhat. "Come help me hold him down!"

Xichen obliged, doing his best to hold Wei Ying's legs still. "What's wrong with him, Master Qiru?"

Qiru: "He's seizing. Was there any part of the story you left out?" Xichen racked his brain for a few seconds, but he couldn't think of anything. "In that case we only can wait for the seizure to subside. Hold him as still as possible. Sit on him if you have to. I will return shortly." Xichen watched him leave, all the while sitting on his brother-in-law's legs and holding his arms to keep him from flailing about.

It was proving to be rather uncomfortable, so he switched very quickly, so Wei Ying was on his lap. He used his arm strength to hold him still, even rocking him to try and stop the seizing. It eventually stopped, but Xichen continued to hold him still. He could see why his brother would fall for such a person as Wei Ying. The boy was beautiful in every sense of the word. It wasn't just his physicality either. It was also the way he brought about the different emotions within a person - even causing the emotions to show.

Qiru returned just as he said he would. He removed a small roll from his sleeves. "I have here needles dipped in a special medicine meant to control seizures. Is he finished yet?" Xichen nodded. "Good. I will apply the medicine now. You keep holding him still as I insert each of these needles into his spine. It should work. If not, then I will need to grab that antidote before the next one hits."

Xichen's heart was racing. "What about Wangji? He's lost so much blood!"

Qiru: "You don't need to worry. I have it all taken care of. Please, sit still while I do this. I need absolute silence." Xichen shut his mouth right away. "That's better." He began sticking needles in Wei Ying's back. Xichen wasn't certain, but he could've sworn he heard his brother-in-law whimper a bit. "Finished!" Qiru declared. "You can lay him down now." For whatever reason, Xichen felt as though he didn't want to, but he did - reluctantly. His brother needed him more than anything.

Xichen watched as Qiru carefully removed his brother's clothing, being watchful of the wounds. Xichen new the wounds were serious. He just didn't realize how serious, until he saw them without the robes in the way. He paled at the sight of the wounds festering blood onto the bed. "Excuse me," he said, his voice cracking a bit. Whether Qiru heard it or not, he didn't say. Xichen needed air. He could fight corpses just fine, but when it came to actual humans, he couldn't stand the sight of the blood. Plus, it was his family, which made it worse. On top of everything else, he was still panicking. He needed some air, so he went out back.

The sunlight was warm, and there was a cool breeze along with it. Xichen breathed in deeply. Yes, everything would be alright, he reassured himself.

Qiru finished with Lan Zhan. He'd cleaned and bandaged every wound he could find. Wei Ying hadn't had another attack, but he also showed no signs of waking either. "Master Xichen, I am finished and will be going now to make the antidote. Do keep a watchful eye on these two while I'm gone."

Xichen didn't acknowledge he heard him. He didn't need to as Qiru bowed to him and left with a smile on his face. That kid really cares for everyone, Qiru thought.

There was a slight movement as Xichen watched his brothers. Lan Zhan's eyes slowly opened. "Wangji! You're awake!" Lan Zhan ignored him.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying. Where is Wei Ying?" he asked. He spoke with some difficulty.

Xichen's heart broke at the way his brother sounded. "He's right next to you, but, Wangji, I wouldn't recommend moving just yet. You've been severely wounded by a poisoned blade. There's a chance the wounds will open again. Wangji, I-" Tears streamed down his face as he choked on a sob. Lan Zhan had never seen his brother cry before. "I am so sorry..." It was spoken in a hushed whisper.

Lan Zhan wanted to cry as well. Seeing the state his husband was in only made things worse for him. Wei Ying was still unconscious. His skin was pale to the point he seemed more like a ghost than a human. Lan Zhan ignored what Xichen had just told him in favor of rolling onto his side, so he could hold his Wei Ying close to himself. The boy's skin was ice cold. Lan Zhan wanted to cry, so he did just that - he cried. "Wei Ying..." He sobbed quietly into the boy's hair. A wound on one of his arms opened up, but he ignored it. Wei Ying was too important to him. He didn't know what he would do if he lost his husband. "Wei Ying..." It was a pained whisper.

Xichen didn't know what to do. He opted instead to watch as his brother cried for Wei Ying's life. Hopefully, things would end soon. He couldn't stand watching Lan Zhan go through so much pain and torture just because there was someone after Wei Ying. He decided, as soon as Qiru returned, he would go to the prison and interrogate the monster of a man who tried killing his family.

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