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"I can't tell you how disappointed I am with this! You know better than to do that outside the privacy of your own chambers!" Qiren fumed. "Everyone, and I mean everyone, could hear you two! Seriously, go away from my sight! I don't want to hear that infernal noise again!" He dismissed them with a wave of his sleeves. Although his back was turned to them, his ears were still pink. The two bowed to him with respect and apology.

As soon as the two were out of Qiren's earshot, Wei Ying whined, "You do realize it's all your fault right? I mean, you were the one massaging my ass for no reason!"

Lan Zhan: "Ridiculous," he responded, looking away. His ears had turned completely red. Wei Ying smiled mischievously.

Wei Ying: "I have an idea, Lan Zhan. Why don't we go on another vacation and stay somewhere where there is a hot spring? Hmm?" Lan Zhan glared at him with a warning. "Fine. Fine. If you don't want to go, then I will go by myself. The problem is, though, pleasuring yourself is like talking to yourself. There's no fun in it." Wei Ying shrugged. Lan Zhan only rolled his eyes.

Lan Zhan: "Much work to finish. This weekend we will go."

Wei Ying jumped in excitement right onto his husband. "You promise?"

Lan Zhan: "Promise. Wei Ying must behave, or we won't go." There it was - the stipulation. Wei Ying pouted, but agreed.

Wei Ying: "Alright, Lan Zhan, I promise to behave," he stated wholeheartedly. Lan Zhan nodded with satisfaction, carrying his husband the rest of the way to the Jingshi.


Wei Ying behaved himself, even though it was hard for him. Even Qiren was surprised when he saw the boy sitting quietly and not causing mischief. He thought for a moment that maybe, just maybe, Lan Zhan was having a positive effect on the boy. Only he didn't know one thing: Lan Zhan's promise to go on a weekend outing with Wei Ying, if the boy behaved himself. Qiren smiled. He was hoping it would last longer. A shame his hopes would soon be burnt to ashes.

It was the weekend. Wei Ying sat idly under a tree, watching the birds flit and flutter about, humming his and Lan Zhan's song. He didn't know the name of it, but he loved it nonetheless. It was a beautiful tune which carried with it the weight of all the emotions one could ever feel. He wondered if Lan Zhan had always felt emotion to some extent - only just never able to express it well. What a dumb thought it was as he knew the answer to it already. There was the sound of footsteps nearby.

"Wei Ying." The boy turned to see Lan Zhan standing next to him. He smiled softly and patted the ground next to him. Lan Zhan sat down ever so gracefully.

Wei Ying: "It's such a beautiful day today. Say, Lan Zhan, are you all done with your work yet?" Lan Zhan nodded. "Good! I was growing bored!" he exclaimed, hopping onto his feet. "I guess this means we can leave now, huh?"

Lan Zhan: "Have one more thing to do before we leave." Wei Ying looked at him with a pout. Lan Zhan kept back the urge to roll his eyes. "Pack," he said simply. Wei Ying sighed with relief. He was afraid it was more work. Unbeknownst to Wei Ying, Lan Zhan was already in the Jingshi packing for their trip. The Lan Zhan next to him was an imposter.

Wei Ying: "You had better go pack our things. I will meet you at the gate when you're done." He turned around. Lan Zhan stood up and walked up behind him, arms wrapping around his waist. "What's the matter? You miss me that much?" Lan Zhan gave him an "Mn." Wei Ying chuckled. "Well, in that case, I will kiss you!" He turned around in the strong arms and kissed his 'husband'. "Always such a sweet kisser!" He smiled brightly. "I love you, Lan Zhan! You fuddy-duddy!"

His vision suddenly blurred. He suddenly felt weak. "Lan Zhan? You aren't Lan Zhan! You aren't my husband!" He started hollering for his husband to rescue him.

Imposter: "Try all you want to. He won't hear you." They laughed evilly.

Wei Ying: "Lan...Zhan..." The arms released him, and he fell to the ground.

"Wei Ying!" Just before he blacked out, he saw the real Lan Zhan run up to him, and then darkness.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying..." He held the male in his arms. The limo body was growing cold fast and Wei Ying's breathing was ragged. "Wei Ying..." Lan Zhan whispered.

Imposter: "If you wish to save him, why don't you die in his place? Then, I will give him the antidote. How's that sound?"

Lan Zhan felt his anger begin to rise to the point of losing control. He didn't, however. He maintained his emotions, completely hiding his rage from the person behind him. He laid Wei Ying on the ground again and turned to the imposter. He drew Bichen.

Imposter: "Nice sword! I love how idt glows blue. However, I love mine far better!" He drew his sword which Lan Zhan didn't see at first.

Lan Zhan blocked the attack easily enough, but his arm was still slashed by the tip of the blade. It was his sword arm too. A few more blows were exchanged. Lan Zhan felt himself weakening slowly. He was able to defend, but the other was moving with such speed, he couldn't place an attack in anywhere. His right leg was cut. He dropped to one knee, Bichen in the ground to help hold him up. His vision was blurring as a cut above his left eye was sleeping blood. There was something about the man's sword. It wasn't ordinary.

Imposter: "Now that I have you right where I want you, why don't we play a little game?" He pulled Lan Zhan's hair, so he was facing the man before him. "I want to see how long you can keep that pretty little act of yours up. How long can you withstand my sword?" The sword's blade seemed to shorten to the length of a dagger. The man ran the blade of the knife along Lan Zhan's jawline. "I will be extra careful, though, to not mar this beautiful face of yours. It would be a shame to waste such a prize. Let's begin, shall we?"

Lan Zhan felt paralyzed. He could feel everything, he just couldn't move. Wei Ying, I'm sorry...

The first cut wasn't very deep, but whatever was on the blade made it sting worse than a bee sting. He grimaced in his head, but his face remained expressionless. It pissed the man off when, even having made several deep cuts, Lan Zhan still didn't react. Lan Zhan's vision was blurred badly. He had already lost an copious amount of blood.

"Wangji!" Lan Zhan watched as Xichen charged in, Shuoyue drawn, and fought off the attacker. Lan Zhan fell the the ground beside Wei Ying, and he watched Xichen defeat the imposter. "Oh no! Wangji! Wangji, stay with me! No! Don't close your eyes! Wangji! Wangji!!!" He saw Wei Ying lying there as well. "Wei Gongzi! Wake up! You two have to wake up now! If you keep your eyes closed like this...what will I do if you die...?" Tears filled his eyes. His heart raced. He shook his head. "What am I doing? I need to drag them back to see a healer!" He lifted Lan Zhan (with some difficulty) and Wei Ying, and he dragged them as fast as he could go to the Jingshi. He then ordered two disciples to stand guard and report to him right away if there was any suspicious activity. Then he left to go fetch Qiru.

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