A Trip to Yunmeng

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The day started out like any other day. Wei Ying woke up late as usual. Now, with the day half gone, the pair, along with the rest of the disciples, left Cloud Recesses. The others had gone already, including the Jiang siblings. Wei Ying complained of still being tired and not wanting to go, but Lan Zhan convinced him otherwise. The boy agreed. However, Lan Zhan had to carry him to the dock before he would even move from the bed. Lan Zhan helped him bathe and dress, because Wei Ying was too tired still to move (or so he said). The Lan didn't care and only did what his Wei Ying wanted. When it came time for them to leave, Lan Zhan carried him on his back all the way to the dock. After boarding the boat, the two went to their respective cabins. It would take approximately three to four days to reach Lotus Cove.

Wei Ying laid down on his bed with his feet dangling. His heart was pounding in his chest. He really hated the thought of returning to that place, but it needed to be done. He needed to see his adoptive father one more time - even if it was only for a day. Out of everything he feared, Zidian - Madam Yu's whip - was what he feared most. Zidian was a special whip. It held the shape of a ring. When passing spiritual energy through it, it took its original form - a whip with purple lightening passing over it. It truly was a powerful one as its strength was based off the wielder's own spiritual power and emotional control. If one were whipped by Zidian, it would leave unimaginable scars on the skin which would never heal, even when the wounds were gone. He shuddered at the thought.

There was a knock at the door. Wei Ying sat upright wondering who it could be. He answered the door, opening it slightly, so he could see who it was. Through the crack, he saw white. "Wei Ying." It was Lan Zhan, but why would he be there?

Wei Ying: "Hey there, Lan Zhan. What brings you here?" he asked opening the door all the way. Lan Zhan held a tray of food in his hands. "Eh...what's that for?" He pointed at the tray.

Lan Zhan: "For Wei Ying. Eat," he commanded, handing the tray to him. Wei Ying took the tray and smiled.

Wei Ying: "Thanks." Lan Zhan nodded. He stared at Wei Ying for a while. "Uhm...you can go now, please? I'd like to be alone now." Lan Zhan nodded again, only he did not move. Wei Ying felt a bit irritated. "Is there anything else?" he asked, trying to keep the emotion from his voice.

Lan Zhan: "Mn. Will be reaching Yunmeng soon. Wei Ying should get ready." With that, he left Wei Ying alone again.

The boy sighed. He placed the tray on the table, but didn't touch it. Instead, he flopped onto the bed again. He was super nervous about going home. His heart seemed to beat harder with every passing second and the closer they came to Lotus Cove. He was so tired from worrying, he fell asleep.

The next thing he knew, he was waking up in a bed - only it wasn't on the boat. Instead, he was at an inn. When had they reached Yunmeng? He'd dozed off and never even woke up once. He looked out the window. It was dark outside. Moonlight filled the room with white. He didn't see Lan Zhan, and panicked, wondering if he was the one who brought him here or if it was someone else. He - for whatever reason - really hoped it was the former. Yet he didn't see him at all in the room. Maybe it was as Jiang Cheng had said, and Lan Zhan truly hated him and was only waiting for the opportune moment to dump him. Wei Ying curled in on himself, hiding his face in his arms.

He heard a soft knock on the door. He didn't move. The door opened quietly. He didn't look up. Soft footfalls approached the bed. He didn't even glance to see who it was. A gentle hand rested on his shoulder. He didn't bother moving. "Wei Ying," a soft vice called out to him. That caught his attention. He looked up to see Lan Zhan standing above him with a concerned look on his face. The candle had been lit. "Wei Ying, what's wrong?" The boy only shook his head. "Tell me," Lan Zhan coaxed. Wei Ying shook his head again. Lan Zhan sat on the bed and pulled him into a hug. "You can tell me anything," he spoke softly, gently rubbing the boy's back.

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