Jin Zixuan

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At the Ancestral Hall, Qiren was teaching the disciples about the Founder's life: from his birth to his death. The way Qiren teaches is in long lectures which can last all day, sometimes never changing subjects. Then he would give out a test to see who was paying attention. Wei Ying was actually fascinated by the artwork on the wall. "This person's life was something else. So the Founder was a Buddhist monk. No wonder Cloud Recesses has so many rules." When Qiren began speaking on the wedding and loved one of the Founder, Lan An, many comments rose throughout the hall.

Disciple 1: "His wife must have been something special."

Disciple 2: "I hear she was a real beauty."

Disciple 3: "I hope I find someone like her someday."

Disciple 4: "Hey Jin Zixuan? Who do you prefer for a woman?"

Disciple 5: "Don't ask him! He's engaged already!"

Disciple 3: "Eh? Engaged? to who?"

Disciple 1: "To Jiang Yanli. She's the only daughter of the Jiang clan. Such a shame it's only an arranged marriage."

Jin Zixuan grew more infuriated the more he listened. "It is something I would be happy to break off!" he shouted at the babbling disciples. The entire hall went silent.

Wei Ying: "What did you just say?" He approached Jin Zixuan, anger prevalent in his walk.

Jin Zixuan sneered. "I said, 'It is something I would be happy to break off.' You guys keep your family away from me! I want nothing to do with this!"

Wei Ying was infuriated. He pushed Zixuan against the wall behind them and clenched his fist. "Take that back! My shijie never did anything to you! Why are you being cruel to her?"

Zixuan: "I never asked for this in the first place! Why are you so upset at me for it? If you ask me, your 'shijie' can go to Hell!"

At that point Jiang Cheng wanted to punch him, only Wei Ying was much faster. He raised his fist and was about to punch the arrogant Peacock, but his hand was stayed by someone. He looked over and there stood Lan Zhan.

Lan Zhan: "No fighting in the Cloud Recesses." Wei Ying dropped his hold on Jin Zixuan. The boy in gold 'Hmphed' and strode off to another section of the hall.

Lan Zhan dropped his hold on Wei Ying's wrist. "Lan Zhan, what are you doing here? I thought you weren't coming today?"

Lan Zhan: "Here to keep the disciples out of trouble. Wei Wuxian, come."

The boy followed the Lan to the library. Wei Ying began to whine and complain. "You know, Lan Zhan? If it had been you in my shoes, you would have wanted to punch that arrogant Peacock as well!"

Lan Zhan: "No name calling. No complaining. No loud noises."

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan, why are you being like this? And after all the time we spent together too. Humph!" he pouted.

Lan Zhan: "Quiet." Wei Ying wouldn't stay quiet, even after reaching the Library Pavilion. At that point, Lan Zhan turned around and stared hard at the boy. Wei Ying immediately shut his mouth. "Must convince Uncle," was all he said. Wei Ying was confused. Then he remembered how Qiren doesn't care for him and he felt depressed again.

Then he thought, Why am I worried about impressing some old guy who's teachings are long and boring? As long as Lan Zhan is here, I am happy! He caught himself after the last thought. Was it true? Was he really happier with Lan Zhan around? The thought caught him off guard and a light blush touched his cheeks. Then he thought, Well, he is a friend, so I have nothing to worry about. Still... He unknowingly touched his lips.

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