What They Don't Know...

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The two decided not to tell anyone about it - least of all Jiang Cheng. The brother would have such a fit if he found out. Wei Ying wanted to go out, but he was still sick. Lan Zhan even placed disciples at the front and back to make certain he didn't escape to anywhere. He was being overly protective again. In the end, Wei Ying was so bored, he ended up drawing landscapes. When he was bored of that, he tried searching for something to read. There wasn't much which piqued his interest. However, he eventually came upon a book which was stuffed between two others - almost out of place. It was very thick and heavy. The pages seemed worn out but were still intact. He laid on the floor and opened it. The first page showed a flower he had never seen before. He then turned a random number of pages. It also contained an illustration of a flower. This one he had seen before out back in the garden in the spring. A beautiful purple flower. The page was marked with a dried out one. He held it up, careful to not lose any of the petals. The picture held no name. He would ask Lan Zhan later about it. He gently placed the flower back and closed the book. He reshelved it, placing it back exactly where he'd found it.

"Wei Ying." The boy jumped a bit. Seeing it was Lan Zhan, he calmed down and smiled. He was still depressed over his situation. Lan Zhan could see it very clearly. He set the tray he was carrying on the table. Lan Zhan didn't mention his notice of the boy's emotions. He only went up to him, wrapping him in a warm hug. Wei Ying buried his face in Lan Zhan's robes. The male carried the boy to the table. Wei Ying continued to hide his face. He smelled the food. "Eat."

Wei Ying peeked out and saw all the food he had requested. As soon as it hit his nose, he became as a starving animal. "This is really good, Lan Zhan!"

Lan Zhan: "No talking while eating," he said. He couldn't help but smile though just a bit. Wei Ying pouted but continued happily eating his craved meal. He ate everything within ten minutes. It was good, although the soup had had a funny taste to it. Without warning, he burst from the table, ran outside, and threw up. "Wei Ying! What's wrong?"

Wei Ying: "What did you put in that soup, Lan Zhan? It had a funny taste to it." He threw up again, emptying his stomach of all its contents.

Lan Zhan: "Just vegetables." He began listing off what he put in. "Carrots, potatoes, green beans, peas, onions -" There it was. Wei Ying almost threw up again at the word 'onions'. Lan Zhan patted the boy's back, rubbing it gently. Wei Ying normally could eat onions, but not today. He'd had no symptoms up until now, so why today all of a sudden?

"Is Wei Gongzi alright?" a voice asked. The two turned swiftly to see Xichen standing in the room. He walked gracefully toward the pair.

Lan Zhan: "Brother." The two bowed respectfully to the sect leader. "Wei Ying is fine. The medicine makes him a bit nauseous."

Xichen nodded. "Quite understandable. Wangji," he spoke seriously, "Uncle has called for us, but since Wei Gongzi is sick, I will let him know you can't come." He turned to leave, but then stopped. "That is, of course, if he truly is still sick." The knowing glint in his eyes when he looked at them was creepy. "Lan Zhan, I know there's more to this than what you're telling me." The shock on both males' faces confirmed his suspicions. "Alright, out with it. What exactly is going on?" he inquired. His voice was gentle but held an air of authority. No one could say 'no' when it came to Xichen.

Lan Zhan sighed. He strolled up to his brother and whispered very softly, "Don't mention onions." At that, Xichen's eyes widened with surprise. His smile turned a bit devilish.

Xichen: "Oh? Let us experiment then, shall we?"

Lan Zhan: "Brother," he spoke in warning. Xichen didn't listen.

Xichen: "Wei Gongzi! I am wondering about something." Wei Ying only stared. He didn't dare answer as he was trying not to upchuck anymore - though he doubted he had anything more to empty. Xichen continued. "Wei Gongzi, I am wondering if you would like some fresh onions." He said it without breaking a sweat. Wei Ying couldn't hold his bile anymore. He turned and upchucked over the railing once more. Xichen chuckled at the success of his little endeavor. He felt the piercing glare from Lan Zhan but chose to ignore it. "Wangji, you can't hide it from me forever. I would've found out sooner or later. It is better for me to find out now, don't you agree?"

It was certainly true. Lan Zhan knew that. He only did not want to admit to that very fact. How was he going to hide a pregnancy for nine straight months? It would be impossible. Xichen's smile softened. "Wangji, don't fret. No one needs to know about this right away. However, you will have to marry him as soon as possible." Lan Zhan nodded. Wei Ying hugged Lan Zhan, who had run over to him, and listened. His eyes grew wide.

Wei Ying: "M-married? But...but we are both men!" he stuttered. Now, he was really frightened. Qiren would definitely inquire as to why, and if he found out the truth, they would be banned for certain this time! Wei Ying was shaking a bit. Lan Zhan tightened his hold on him, pulling him closer to himself.

Xichen: "If you are afraid of Uncle finding out, trust me, it wouldn't matter anyway. He is not the clan head. I am. Even if he wanted to remove you from here permanently, he couldn't do it," he reassured them. Wei Ying seemed to relax a tiny bit. He was still afraid of Qiren no matter what the situation was. "We need to go now, Wangji. Before Uncle has a fit." He spoke the last sentence so it was made clear it was very important. Lan Zhan nodded, his gaze never moving away from Wei Ying. He continued rubbing the boy's back. "I will take my leave first then," Xichen said.

Lan Zhan: "Mn." After Xichen left, Lan Zhan kissed the top of Wei Ying's head. "Have to go Wei Ying. Will return after. Behave." Wei Ying only nodded, still not releasing him, his face buried in the thick white robes. "It's okay, Wei Ying," he spoke softly. He carried the boy to the bed, laying him down gently. He then covered him with the blanket, making certain the boy was comfortable. Lan Zhan kissed Wei Ying's forehead once more and left after the boy fell asleep.

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