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Wei Ying was currently four months pregnant. The bump was growing bigger by the day. He started feeling embarrassed about his body. He tried hiding himself by wearing Lan Zhan's robes, but it didn't seem to help any. He also forbade his husband from entering their room while he dressed and bathed. Lan Zhan was annoyed with his husband as Wei Ying was with his body. The boy's back ached like crazy, sometimes to the point he had to stay in bed all day and couldn't move. Those were the days Lan Zhan would stay all day inside massaging the poor male's back with a warm cloth laid across it.

Other days, it would get to the point where Wei Ying would whine if Lan Zhan had to leave and wouldn't stop until he returned, which annoyed him the most. He had to remind himself to be patient. Wei Ying would often wake up in the middle of the night, asking for food. One night, Lan Zhan lost his temper, hollering at his husband for waking him up. Needless to say, that was the night he spent comforting his poor Wei Ying, until he fell asleep. Since then, he'd vowed never to hurt his husband like that ever again!

Wei Ying woke up in the middle of the night from a dream. "Lan Zhan?" His husband awakened immediately, thinking the male was hungry. "Lan Zhan, I had a bad dream." Lan Zhan comforted the male. "I dreamt about our child, but he was killed the same night he was born! I don't know who did it, because their face was blurred the entire time! Lan Zhan, what if it were to come true? I don't know what I would do if that happened!" His cries were muffled by the robes.

Lan Zhan kept quiet. He rubbed Wei Ying's back. The boy calmed down some. He was still afraid to sleep, so Lan Zhan stayed up with him. It was currently three in the morning. Lan Zhan sat up in bed, lit the candle and read his book, while Wei Ying sat between his legs, reading along with him. The boy fell asleep just as the sun began to rise. Lan Zhan set the book on the stand by the bed. He carefully laid down with Wei Ying resting on top of him and slept.


"Wei Ying. Come back to Gusu with me." Lan Zhan stood in front of Wei Ying. The males were bloody with their robes torn near to shreds. Lan Zhan's guqin, Wangji, was covered in blood with the strings broken.

Wei Ying's eyes glowed red from fury. "Gusu? Why? So you can punish me? Cleanse me? Take away my cultivation?!" He held ChenQing up. All the dark energy surged into the flute. With one wave of his hand, the energy dispersed.

"Wei Ying. Return to Gusu with me," Lan Zhan tried again. "Wei Ying, I-"

"I don't want to hear it! I don't want to hear anymore about it! Get lost!"

Lan Zhan felt as if he'd been stabbed in the heart with a knife. Out of nowhere he shouted, "Wei Wuxian!" He'd used Wei Ying's courtesy name.

Wei Ying: "Lan Wangji!" he shouted back. Jiang Cheng stood between them, facing Lan Zhan.

Jiang Cheng: "Get lost, Hanguang-Jun. This is a matter of the Jiang Clan. The Lan Clan has no business here." Lan Zhan felt his heart break into a thousand pieces. He looked at the ground, then to the side, and back at Wei Ying. The male in black was looking away, not saying a word. Lan Zhan felt his lips tremble. So as not to be seen by anyone, he turned away in one swift motion and left. No one, not even his own brother, saw how he cried that night.

The scene changed. It was the same battlefield, only this time Wei Ying was nowhere to be seen.

"Wei Ying!" Lan Zhan called out. He ran over the entire field, cutting down enemies as he searched frantically. He spied Wei Ying standing at the edge of the cliff. He ran to him. When he arrived, Wei Ying was crying.

Wei Ying: "I'm sorry, Lan Zhan! I can't do this anymore!" Lan Zhan froze. He watched as Wei Ying smiled at him. Blood dripped down his chin. He relaxed, taking another step back, and allowed himself to fall. Lan Zhan panicked. He flew toward the falling male, catching his hand just as he had fallen over the edge of the cliff.

Wei Ying was stunned. "Lan Zhan. Let me go." Lan Zhan frantically shook his head. He would not allow his Wei Ying to die. Lan Zhan looked up as a dark figure loomed above them.

Jiang Cheng stood there, angry with tears flowing down his face. "Wei Ying!" he shouted. "What have you done? Just die already!"

Wei Ying: "Jiang Cheng..." The name was spoken as a whisper.

The smile his brother had really pissed Jiang Cheng off. He took his sword, Sandu, slamming the blade into the rock. Lan Zhan looked at the sword, then at Wei Ying, shocked by the action. He saw fear and concern in Wei Ying's eyes just before his hand was torn away. Lan Zhan watched as Wei Ying fell to his death.

Lan Zhan: "WEI YING!"


"Lan Zhan! Lan Zhan? Wake up!" The male opened his eyes to find a concerned Wei Ying hovering over him. He quickly pulled his husband into a tight hug. Wei Ying could feel him shaking. "What's wrong? Bad dream? You were shouting for me in your sleep."

Lan Zhan nodded. "Saw Wei Ying die. Wei Ying left me all alone." Wei Ying smiled sympathetically.

Wei Ying: "It's okay. I'm here. I will always be here. I won't die on you just yet. I promise." He rubbed his husband's back, comforting him. "There, there now. Don't cry. It's alright. I'm here. I'm safe. Sssshhhh..." He wiped Lan Zhan's tears and kissed both of his cheeks. He smiled.

Wei Ying's stomach growled loudly. He rolled his eyes. "Baby's hungry."

Lan Zhan smiled at the blush on his husband's face. "What does Wei Ying and our baby want?"

Wei Ying thought for a moment. "Baby wants some loquats with spicy noodles and pork. Wei Ying," he pointed to himself, "wants the same thing!" Lan Zhan nodded.

Lan Zhan: "Will return shortly." He kissed Wei Ying's forehead and left to fetch the food. When he returned, Wei Ying was eagerly waiting at the table with a blanket wrapped around himself. Lan Zhan set the tray on the table in front of Wei Ying. "Wei Ying. Remove the blanket."

Wei Ying glared at him. "No. I was cold while waiting for you. You can feed me yourself!" he demanded, opening his mouth. Lan Zhan nodded, sat down next to him, grabbed the chopsticks, and started feeding him. He would do anything for his Wei Ying.


Wei Ying had fallen asleep after a while. He laid on Lan Zhan's lap at the table. A figure dressed in black appeared on his other side. "Wei Ying." He glared at the other.

Wei Wuxian: "Lan Zhan!" he whined. "Don't be like that." He pouted. Lan Zhan resisted the urge to tackle him to the floor and make love to him. "I'm only here to check up on you and myself." Lan Zhan's expression softened. "Tell me," Wei Wuxian said, perking up. "What's been going on with you the past few months?" Lan Zhan only shook his head and stared at the male in black. "I see. Doesn't matter really, because as creator of this world, I can see everything."

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying. Sleep." Wei Wuxian stared at him surprised, then burst out laughing the next moment. He stopped and pointed at his sleeping form.

Wei Wuxian: "I'm already sleeping. See? Anyway, I can't stay or the story won't continue." He stood up, walking to the door. "You know? I can't wait to see our child." He walked out, closing the door behind him. Wei Ying stirred in his sleep, flipping over onto his side with his face buried in Lan Zhan's robes. Lan Zhan fixed the blanket around the boy, so Wei Ying would stay warm.

Lan Zhan: "Good night, Wei Ying," he whispered in his ear, smiling.

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