Lan Zhan Can See

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The next day wasn't a pleasant one. Rain poured down outside, flooding the yard. Lan Zhan and Wei Ying stood at the back door way. The cold air caused Wei Ying to shiver slightly. The baby kept kicking, and it annoyed him somewhat.

Wei Ying: "Stop moving around so much," he demanded, rubbing his belly. Lan Zhan smiled at his husband's words.

There was a knock on the door. Xichen and Qiren entered the Jingshi. "Wei Gongzi, how are you feeling?"

Wei Ying bowed as best he could. "I'm better. Though my child won't stop kicking me." Xichen held back a laugh, preferring to smile instead.

Qiren: "I hate to break up this happy moment, but you know why we're here," he said matter-of-factly. Wei Ying nodded.

He went to his husband, whispered something to him, and looked back at the other two. It seemed as though he were trying to convince Lan Zhan to cooperate. It must have worked, because the young jade turned in their direction. His eyes had been bandaged to prevent the sunlight from damaging his eyes any further.

Qiru entered moments later. "I have everything in order. Are we ready, Lan Er Gongzi?" Lan Zhan still had some doubts. He hesitated for only a moment. The nod he gave was very encouraging to everyone as it was filled with determination. "Very good! Let us begin then." With a clap of his hands, the doors and windows were shut, locked, and a soundproof barrier was placed in the room. "Please sit on the cushion in the middle of the room." Wei Ying led him to the cushion and helped support him as he sat down. "Before we begin, please note this will be an excruciatingly painful process. You have to be awake the entire time for it. If you wish it, Wei Gongzi can stay with you."

Xichen and Qiren felt it was a bad idea. Wei Ying was seven months pregnant. At that point in a pregnancy, the stress could cause a premature birth. "Wei Ying," Xichen asked cautiously, "are you certain you can handle it? Remember, the last couple of times, Qiru had to knock you out." That was true enough, but the expression Wei Ying had at that moment was all the proof they needed.

Wei Ying: "I will stay with Lan Zhan. I will help him as best I can!" he spoke resolutely.

Qiru glanced at everyone in the room. "Alright then! Let's begin! First, I need you to drink this medicine, Hanguang-Jun." He handed a bowl to Lan Zhan, who took it and drank it without question. "Very good. Now, stay as still as possible. This next part will be painful, but you need to stay calm. Do you understand?" Lan Zhan nodded. "Very well then. Master Qiren, it's your turn. You may begin whenever. The medicine will provide some relief from the pain, but I'm not certain how much. It should last for as long as this process takes."

Qiren nodded. He walked up behind his nephew. Moving the hair from his neck, Qiren had an excellent view of the mark now. He knew it needed to be done, but his heart was torn between saving his nephew and risking losing him altogether. Lan Zhan seemed to sense his uncle's hesitation.

Lan Zhan: "Uncle, it's alright. Just do it. Will be fine."

Qiren: "Are you certain, Wangji? We can wait longer to be certain you are absolutely ready."

Lan Zhan shook his head, some of the hair covering the mark again. "Do it." It was spoken with a finality. Qiren sighed, moving the hair away again.

Qiren didn't like it. No one did, but it had to be done. So he began the process of removing the curse mark. Lan Zhan felt a twinge of pain at first - nothing major. After a few minutes passed, the pain grew worse to the point he was gripping Wei Ying's hand hard. Wei Ying wanted to yelp, but he knew better. The pain in his hand was worth it if it was helping his husband to endure.

Lan Zhan nearly passed out twice, but he somehow managed to stay awake and compose himself. He didn't cry out or make any noise. A few tears strayed down his cheeks, but that was all. It felt like hours passed before the process was completed.

Everyone released a breath they were holding. Lan Zhan was panting and covered in sweat. "Lan Zhan? Are you alright?" Wei Ying asked cautiously. It took a bit for Lan Zhan to respond, but he nodded his head. Wei Ying sighed with relief.

Qiru: "Now the final step is to cure his eyes. Hanguang-Jun, I am removing the bandages." As soon as the bandages were removed, everyone gasped, except for Wei Ying who couldn't see what was happening.

Wei Ying: "What? Is something wrong?" he asked frantically. Qiru simply shook his head and smiled. Wei Ying was confused, until his husband kissed him passionately. "Lan Zhan?"

Lan Zhan was crying and wouldn't stop kissing his husband. "Wei Ying," he spoke, finally stopping the excessive kissing. "Can see, Wei Ying!" Wei Ying was happy to see those clear golden eyes. He jumped onto Lan Zhan, kissing him back. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" He was thanking everyone.

Everyone was smiling brightly. "I still need to treat your eyes though," Qiru said simply. "Another week, and your eyes should be fully cured. That wound you had suffered on your head in the cave caused most of the blindness. You may still have a concussion from the fall as well. I will return tomorrow to begin the healing process. Take care everyone," he spoke while bowing.

Xichen went to his brother. "Wangji, I'm happy for you. Now you will be able to see your child." He hugged Lan Zhan who was still crying. Qiren felt a bit awkward seeing his nephew cry. He'd never seen Lan Zhan cry but one time before.

Qiren: "Xichen, let us be on our way. Wangji needs to rest before tomorrow."

Lan Zhan quickly stood - a bit too quickly. His head spun. He held tightly onto his husband. "Lan Zhan, maybe you should lay down for a while." Wei Ying's voice was filled with concern.

Xichen was concerned as well. "You needn't bother with formalities, Wangji. Go lay down and rest. You deserve it." With that, the two older Lans left.

Wei Ying steadied Lan Zhan as he laid down. Wei Ying felt the male's face. The poor jade had a fever. "I will go grab the healer." His hand was gripped tightly as he left the bed.

Lan Zhan: "Stay. Wei Ying, stay." Wei Ying's heart melted.

Wei Ying: "Allow me to call for the healer first then." He kissed Lan Zhan's forehead. Lan Zhan nodded. Wei Ying ordered a passing disciple to fetch Healer Qiru. The disciple went without hesitation. Wei Ying went back inside and laid next to his husband who had fallen asleep. He smiled and chuckled slightly. "I love you, Lan Zhan," he whispered into the other's ear.

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