Another One?

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Two months pass without any word from the spies sent to the mining sect. It seemed as if all hope had been lost, until a letter arrived by a spiritual bird. The crane landed on the table after flying through the window of the Hanshi. It held a note which was tied to its leg. The bird squawked once, indicating it felt annoyed at having to carry messages back and forth when it was a battle bird, not a carrier pigeon. Xichen laughed at that. He carefully untied the note from the bird's leg, swiftly moving out of reach when it tried biting his hand off. It then huffed and flew off, back to its master.

The note read simply on how there was no strange activity as of late. However, one of them had found a secret cave which led deep underground. When they tried to enter inside, a barrier kept them from entering, along with several guards posted there. The changing of guards was every hour, and there were always anywhere from five to ten at once. It seemed as though whatever secret was being held there, no one wanted anyone else finding it.

Xichen sighed. The letter was good news, but it wasn't at the same time. He pondered over it for a while before going to his uncle to discuss it. Just what secret do you wish to keep hidden there? I must find out! He quickly wrote a letter back to his spies, stating they should keep the investigation going. They should pay extra special attention to the one cave and find more information on it. Then he left for the Lanshi.


"Lan Zhan. I don't feel so good." Wei Ying laid in bed, one hand on his stomach, the other over his mouth as he tried not to vomit. Lan Zhan was worried.

Lan Zhan: "Will go fetch the healer." Wei Ying nodded very slightly. He was afraid to open his mouth. With that, Lan Zhan left to find the healer. He returned some time later with Healer Qiru just behind him. "Wei Ying." He helped his husband to sit up. Wei Ying nearly vomited again. Qiru took the boy's one wrist and checked his pulse.

Lan Zhan and Wei Ying were worried. "How long has this been happening for?"

Wei Ying: "About...about a week now. I wake up every morning feeling like I want to vomit my guts out."

Qiru gave the boy a bright smile. "Congratulations! You are pregnant again!" Lan Zhan had to sit down. "Now, I shall provide you with medicine which will not only help with the morning sickness, but also nourish the child. Since we don't want what happened last time to happen again, I recommend bed rest for the entire duration of this pregnancy." He turned to Lan Zhan. "You had better keep a close eye on him. Make certain he doesn't have any problems. Who knows if I can save him a second time." With that, he handed the Lan a paper with a prescription written on it and left.

Wei Ying was a bit dumbfounded. He was overwhelmed. He never thought he would be pregnant again. Lan Zhan practically pounced at him, kissing his face all over, dropping at his lips. "Lan Zhan? Are you happy?"

Lan Zhan: "Mn." He continued kissing him. He was so overwhelmed. He never thought he'd have another child.

Wei Ying giggled. "So it was you were trying to get me pregnant again!" he teased. Lan Zhan's ears turned bright red, making Wei Ying laugh at him. "It's okay Lan Zhan! I don't mind at all!" A wave hit him suddenly. He jumped out of bed, running to the basket beside the screen and vomited. Lan Zhan sighed, going to him to comfort him. When that episode was done, Wei Ying stood up, suddenly full of energy and proclaimed, "Lan Zhan, I'm hungry! Go make me some spicy noodles with everything!"

Lan Zhan had to smile. His husband was truly adorable. He patted the other's head. "Wei Ying. Bed. Will bring food shortly." Wei Ying pouted about having to be in bed, but he obliged anyway.

Wei Ying: "Make certain to put a lot of onions in there too!" he called after his husband. Lan Zhan's eyebrows rose a bit in surprise. "What? Do I have something on my face?" Lan Zhan shook his head, continuing to the kitchen. He nearly tripped over himself going out the door.

Xichen happened to be walking passed there, heading to the gate. He stopped and watched as his brother regained his composure. Lan Zhan didn't think anyone would notice the small smile adorning his face, but Xichen did. Xichen had an important meeting to be to, so he continued on his way.

Lan Zhan wondered why Wei Ying wanted to eat onions now, when his last pregnancy he hated them. It really baffled him. Then again, the healer did say that the cravings for each pregnancy was different. He didn't argue though and made his husband whatever he wanted. When he returned to the Jingshi, Wei Ying was near to tears. Lan Zhan thought something was wrong, so he rushed over to Wei Ying's side.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying? What's wrong?"

Wei Ying has fat tears streaming down his cheeks. "Did you bring my food?" Lan Zhan nodded, pointing at the table. Wei Ying sniffled a bit. "Did you put lots of onions?" Lan Zhan nodded again.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying. Did something happen?" Wei Ying remained silent. He didn't want to voice out his feelings. "Does Wei Ying need the healer?" Wei Ying shook his head. "What's wrong?" Lan Zhan was growing anxious by the minute.

Wei Ying sniffled again. "Some disciples passed by. They were talking about you. They said the way you smiled was very creepy, since you really never smile at all." He looked at his husband. "Also, I look fat. I feel fat. Everything bothers me." Lan Zhan sighed, pulling Wei Ying into a tight hug.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying is not fat. Wei Ying is beautiful. Wei Ying has nothing to worry about. Will always care for Wei Ying. Will always love Wei Ying for the way Wei Ying is." He spoke each sentence, ending them with a kiss on his husband's cheeks.

Wei Ying quit crying and just laughed a bit. "Oh, Lan Zhan. You and your sweet words really are something special. You really are too good to me." As for those disciples who gossiped about him, they were reprimanded immediately. No one was going to upset his Wei Ying ever again.

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