A Special Gift for Lan Zhan

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Wei Ying wanted to do something special for Lan Zhan, but he didn't know what to do to execute his plan. He could ask Xichen, but then what? The sect leader might be a bit too busy to help him. He'd had two weeks to figure it out. Now he was really stuck since he didn't have time during all that. Lan Zhan had stuck to him like a talisman, never letting the poor boy out of his sight - even to the point of clinging to him at night so tightly, Wei Ying couldn't move. It was almost as if the man was afraid Wei Ying would disappear (which was very highly unlikely considering the condition he was in). The boy hadn't been able to move from the bed for a week, then only was able to walk around the Jingshi, never being allowed to roam outside. The man was being overprotective, and Wei Ying had to admit, he liked it just a bit. No one had ever made him feel that special before - not even his own adoptive family. Wei Ying blushed, remembering that one night when they had visited Yunmeng. He covered his face with his hands, hiding away his embarrassment.

"Young Master Wei," a voice called to him, but he didn't seem to hear. A gentle hand touched his shoulder. "Wei Gongzi?" The person's tone turned to one of concern, but when they saw how red his ears were, they backed away. "I think I hear Uncle calling me," Wei Ying heard them say. He realized too late that it was Xichen. By the time he turned around, the elder Jade Lan had already disappeared.


Wei Ying had hidden himself in the back mountains. It was cold out, a thick blanket of snow covering the ground. He wished at that point for some Summer weather. At least, he thought, the sun was out making it feel just a bit warmer. He was bored then, so he went up to the Jingshi. It was empty inside. He walked onto the back porch, watching the rabbits hop about trying to warm up. Some of them were even huddled together. A small white rabbit hopped up to him. He picked it up, caressing it in his arms. The rabbit snuggled deeper into the crevice of his arms. Wei Ying pulled the coat tighter around both of them. He sat down with his back against one of the pillars. Even though the air was cold, the sun was warm on his face, and he fell asleep.


Lan Zhan returned to the Jingshi sometime after his duties were finished. He walked inside and seeing Wei Ying wasn't there, almost threw him into a panic. His heart palpitated for a moment, until he saw a white rabbit hop to him. It looked up at him, wriggled its little pink nose, then hopped back outside. Lan Zhan followed it. He saw a sleeping figure laying there, wrapped in the fur coat. Most of the rabbits had snuggled up to the sleeping figure, keeping each other warm.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying," he spoke quietly after bending down. He smiled warmly at his love's sleeping face. "Wei Ying," he repeated. He caressed the boy's face in his hand, rubbing his cheeks with his thumb. Wei Ying's eyes fluttered open.

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan. You're back," he said groggily.

Lan Zhan: "Mn." He began removing all the rabbits from off the boy. He picked the boy up, carrying him inside.

Wei Ying: "I was bored, so I went to visit the rabbits. But I fell asleep." He paused, leaning into the Lan's warmth. "You're so nice and warm, Lan Zhan. I'm cold."

Lan Zhan: "That's why Wei Ying should not sleep outside in Winter."

There was a slight movement as Lan Zhan sat Wei Ying on the bed. Lan Zhan opened the coat to see a small white rabbit shaking from the cold. "I nearly forgot about this little guy. Say, Lan Zhan, he's kind of adorable, being so small. Yet he's fully grown. The poor guy." Wei Ying smiled, petting the rabbit in his arms. Lan Zhan felt a twinge of jealousy toward the rabbit. Why was it the rabbit was gaining more attention from him than he himself? He grabbed the rabbit from Wei Ying. At first, the boy was shocked. After seeing Lan Zhan wrap the tiny rabbit in a cozy blanket and placing it on the bed, he felt a bit better.

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