Give Me More

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"Lan Zhan~" Wei Ying teased the male, poking the other's cheek. The smile on his face was full of mischief. Lan Zhan set down the book he was reading, giving the boy his undivided attention. "For you!" he said happily, handing him a bouquet of flowers - peonies to be exact. Lan Zhan stared for a moment at his smiling husband before taking the bouquet. He brought it to his nose, smelled it, and set the flowers on the table. "Don't they smell nice?"

Lan Zhan: "Mn." He then took one of the peonies, shortened the stem a bit and stuck it in Wei Ying's hair. "Wei Ying is beautiful."

Wei Ying blushed. He wasn't expecting for Lan Zhan to say something so sweet. "Lan Zhan! You need to warn me before saying something like that! Now I'm embarrassed!" he exclaimed, looking away to hide the blush. Lan Zhan smiled at his victory. He took his husband's chin, turning him so he was looking at him and kissed his lips gently. Wei Ying's blush deepened. "Lan Zhan, you really are shameless." Lan Zhan glanced down at the protruding belly. Wei Ying was now six months pregnant. His belly seemed have nearly doubled in size over the past few weeks. The healer had given strict orders for him to stay inside on bed rest, but Wei Ying being himself, grew bored and annoyed with having to stay in one place for a long time.

Another thing was, Wei Ying would wake up every night after having the same nightmare. Every time, he would cling to Lan Zhan and cry for hours until he fell asleep again. Lan Zhan brushed it off as one of the medicine's side effects and just comforted him patiently. (How wrong he would be in the future). It was also becoming extremely difficult for Wei Ying to walk any distance. He nearly fell one day, his feet slipping out from underneath himself. Luckily, Lan Zhan was there with him and saved him, catching him before he hit the ground.

Lan Zhan poked Wei Ying's belly. Wei Ying gasped, feeling a tiny kick on the inside. "Hey now! Don't be making a ruckus just because your father poked you," he teased, rubbing his belly. He groaned, then laughed, when he felt another kick. "Lan Zhan, what have you done to this poor child? He was all quiet and everything," he teased his husband. Red covered Lan Zhan's ears. Afraid it was his fault, he bent down, laying his head on his husband's belly, listening to the heartbeat. Then he started humming. It was the same tune he hummed when Wei Ying was sick that one time.

Wei Ying smiled gently, running his fingers through Lan Zhan's hair. After a while, Wei Ying asked, "Lan Zhan? Can we go to Lotus Pier? I miss Yanli." Lan Zhan did not answer right away. He looked at his husband to see if he was being mischievous again, but only saw tears.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying." He pulled his husband into a hug. "Will invite Wei Ying's sister here."

Wei Ying: "Really? You promise?"

Lan Zhan: "Mn."


One week later, Wei Ying was sitting silently on the back porch watching the rabbits. It was a warm day out with the sun shining, so he decided to sit in the sun, enjoying its warmth. "Wei Ying."

Wei Ying: "Mn," he responded. "What is it, Lan Zhan?" He continued resting with his eyes closed.

"A-Xian," A familiar voice called out to him. He quickly looked and gasped.

Wei Ying: "Shijie!" He stood as quickly as he could and somehow managed to hug her. "It's so good to see you! I missed you so much!"

Yanli: "Jiang Cheng is here also." Wei Ying's smile dropped.

Wei Ying: "Tell that bastard to go away. I don't want to see him." Yanli laughed at his childishness.

Yanli: "Don't worry. He told me everything. In fact, he's very deeply sorry for what he said to you."

Wei Ying humphed. "Well, if he's so apologetic, then he needs to come tell me himself!"

"That's what I intended to do, you idiot!" Jiang Cheng walked up behind Yanli. Wei Ying glared at him. "Don't look at me like that! It's not as if I was forced to come or anything." Yanli pulled his ear. "Ouch! Hey! What'd you do that for?" She gave him a smile which would rival Xichen's. "Oh..." The two boys crossed their arms and pouted. Yanli giggled behind her sleeve. "Fine! I'm sorry." He mumbled the last two words.

Wei Ying: "What was that? I didn't quite catch it," he said leaning in to hear better.

Jiang Cheng: "I'm sorry..." he mumbled again, looking away. His ears turned bright red.

Wei Ying: "Can you repeat that a bit louder?"

Jiang Cheng fumed. "I SAID I'M SORRY!!! Did you hear it that time?!" Wei Ying rubbed his ears. They were ringing from the harshness of the sound.

Wei Ying: "Jeez, Jiang Cheng. You didn't have to break my ears!"

Lan Zhan remained silent the whole time. He favored watching the siblings interact.

Yanli: "How far along are you, A-Xian?" She held a hand palm up, pointing to his belly.

Wei Ying: "Six months give or take a week. It's difficult to keep track with my belly being so big."

Yanli: "May I?"

It took a moment for Wei Ying to comprehend what she was saying. "Uh...sure...I guess you can..." Even though he wore Lan Zhan's robes, his belly could still be seen. Yanli bent down, placing her ear on his belly and listened. She could hear the heartbeat. There was a thudding sound as the baby moved inside the womb, kicking the wall. Wei Ying rubbed his belly, moving his hand in circles. "Someone's excited. I think they want to come out already but too bad. They'll have to wait three more months."

Yanli stood up and giggled. "That may be so. I hope the birth goes well for you." Wei Ying chuckled nervously.

Wei Ying: "You and me both. Say! Could you make Lotus Root and Pork Rib Soup for me? I'm starving!" Yanli agreed.

Jiang Cheng: "Like you need it. You're fat enough already. Hey!" he cried out when Wei Ying punched him.

Wei Ying: "Just because I'm pregnant, doesn't mean I can't beat your hide still!" He raised his fist and shook it.

Yanli turned to Lan Zhan. "Would you mind showing me to the kitchen?" Lan Zhan nodded and led the way.

About an hour passed when the duo returned to the Jingshi. Wei Ying was eager and already waiting at the table. "You brought it?" Yanli set the tray on the table. "Yay! Yanli's cooking is the best!" The four sat at the table and ate the soup. "This is really good! Yanli, give me more!" Yanli giggled.

Lan Zhan: "No talking while eating." His ears were bright red. He looked at Yanli who giggled behind her sleeve and winked. It made Lan Zhan blush more.

Wei Ying heard Yanli giggling and looked up. "What's so funny?" He glanced at Lan Zhan who was completely ignoring everyone. Seeing the male's ears, he asked, "What's wrong with Lan Zhan?"

Yanli shook her head. "Our little secret. Right, Hanguang-Jun?" She winked again. Lan Zhan only nodded in response. Wei Ying was confused. He felt as if he'd missed something. Lan Zhan stood up and left the Jingshi, leaving behind a bewildered Wei Ying and Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng: "What's his problem?" Wei Ying shrugged, finishing his bowl of soup with one gulp. A few minutes later, Lan Zhan returned with more of the soup, setting it in front of Wei Ying, then he went outside and sat on the back porch. Taking out his guqin, he started playing a calming song.

Yanli leaned in to whisper to Wei Ying. "He didn't want you to know, but he learned how to cook it from me. He made it specially for you knowing how much you love it."

Wei Ying: "What? You mean you didn't actually make it?" Yanli shushed him. "But," he spoke a bit quieter, "why would he go to all that trouble just for me?" Wei Ying was blushing badly. He stood up and walked outside. He carefully sat down next to his husband, his hand caressing his swollen belly. "Lan Zhan~" he teased. "That was the best soup in the whole world~" Lan Zhan plucked the strings a bit harder than he wanted to. "Lan Zhan?" The male looked at him. "Give me more." Wei Ying smiled brightly. Lan Zhan rested his hand on the strings, stopping the vibrations. Wei Ying kissed the male's cheeks, then his lips. "I love you, Lan Zhan," he whispered.

Lan Zhan: "Love you, too, Wei Ying," he whispered back.

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