Wei Ying's Boredom

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Wei Ying was bored. Not just bored, but he was totally bored. The paralysis had worn off a while ago as it was temporary. Wei Ying wanted to do something for fun. He called one of the disciples standing guard to help him out of bed.

Disciple: "I'm sorry, Wei Gongzi. We aren't allowed to move you. Hanguang-Jun would have our heads if we even went near you." He shivered thinking about the Jade's ferociousness. Wei Ying pouted.

Wei Ying: "Fine! Could you at least bring me some paper and ink then? I'm really bored and want to draw." The disciple sighed and did as Wei Ying asked, handing him paper, ink and a brush.

Disciple: "Please be careful? I do not wish to have Hanguang-Jun's wrath upon me."

Wei Ying smirked mischievously - something the disciple never caught. The disciple bowed and left back to his post. That's when it all started. Wei Ying felt the urge to try creating a new talisman. He started with a simple one, writing the symbols down on the paper for it. Then he thought about how he could change it just a bit to see what the effect would be. He wrote two more marks down, changing it slightly. He then activated it. A bunch of butterflies flew around the room. They glowed red from Wei Ying's energy. He grew very excited from his success. He tried again. This time rabbits hopped all around the Jingshi. The disciples saw all that and were in awe, watching as he made different animals. Wei Ying was so impressed with his work, he didn't notice when one of the birds he had made flew off with his talisman he had started.

Wei Ying: "Hey! Give it back!" he hollered at the bird, who only gawked at him from the other side of the room. He nearly left the bed, then remembered what happened the last time he'd tried, so he stayed put. "Fine! Keep it! But it's not my fault if it blows up in your face!" At that, the talisman activated. The animals all sensed the danger and disappeared into small whiffs of smoke. Wei Ying hadn't noticed at all. He was too busy sulking. The sudden explosion from within made the Jingshi collapse on top of an oblivious Wei Ying.


Lan Zhan ran with all his might, trying to reach the Jingshi in time. He stopped dead in his tracks. The entire building had collapsed. His heart seemed to stop for a mere moment, until a familiar voice called to him. "Wangji." He turned to see Xichen standing behind him.

Lan Zhan: "Brother." He bowed respectfully.

Xichen: "Wangji, what has happened here? Why is the Jingshi destroyed?" he asked glancing behind his brother. He could see the worry in his eyes. "Don't worry. Wei Gongzi is just fine. One of the disciples managed to help him escape." Lan Zhan sighed, falling to his knees in relief. Or he would have done so if it weren't for others wandering around.

Lan Zhan: "Where is Wei Ying? Is he really okay?"

Xichen: "Compose yourself, Wangji. Wei Gongzi and the child are fine. They are at my residence at the moment until new accommodations can be arranged for him." Lan Zhan wanted so badly to see him at that moment. Xichen knew it as well and gave him a knowing smile. "Go." Lan Zhan gave a questioning look. "Go to him, Wangji. Screw tradition and go to him. I know how much you long to see him."

Lan Zhan was flabbergasted at what his brother had just stated. Screw tradition? The elders and their uncle would not be happy about it. Lan Zhan nodded in thanks and ran to the Hanshi.

Wei Ying was seated inside at the table drinking a hot cup of tea. The tea had a nice berry flavor to it, and he liked it very much. Lan Zhan burst through the door startling the boy, making him drop his cup. The hot tea spilled all over his robes. "Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot!" he screamed tearing his outer robe off. The layer underneath was thinner and made from silk, so all Lan Zhan saw at that point was Wei Ying's body through the fabric. Some of the fabric had moved out of place in the boy's fit to relieve himself of the sudden burning. Wei Ying's hair was down and disheveled. All in all, Lan Zhan thought everything at that moment only made the boy seem like something from a dream - an ethereal god. "Don't just stand there, Lan Zhan! Help me!" he cried. Lan Zhan was snapped out of his fantasy. He ran to his mate who was still trying to dry himself of the tea spill. He could fantasize later.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying! Are you okay?"

Wei Ying: "I'm fine, but get me something to wipe this blasted tea up!" Lan Zhan went to the kitchen, grabbed a cloth, and returned all within a span of a few short seconds. He began dabbing lightly at the tea spill on the other's clothing.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying, what happened to the Jingshi?" he asked after a while. Wei Ying was still busy cleaning himself. He didn't seem to want to answer. Lan Zhan grabbed his shoulders. "Tell me. What happened?"

Wei Ying sighed and placed the rag on his lap. "I got bored. Not being able to go anywhere, it's boring after a while. So I asked one of the disciples to bring me some ink and paper, so I could draw." Lan Zhan was a bit confused. Wei Ying continued. "I did draw. I drew talismans which made varying kinds of animals. One talisman was stolen by a fucking bird I made. I said, 'Fine! Keep it! But it's not my fault if it explodes!' After that, I went back to drawing the talismans and never actually expected it to blow up. A disciple ran inside quickly, taking me away from there. The building fully collapsed as soon as he had me outside the gate."

Lan Zhan felt guilty at that point. His Wei Ying was extremely bored, and here he was not even caring about it, all because he had to listen to tradition and the elders. "Sorry." Wei Ying chuckled. Lan Zhan was once again confused. Why was Wei Ying laughing? The boy hugged him.

Wei Ying: "You silly. There's no need for 'sorry' or 'thank you' between us. I love you, Lan Zhan."

Lan Zhan: "I love you too, Wei Ying."

Xichen watched the entire scene from the doorway. It moved him in such a way, it was heartfelt. He decided to leave the two alone. Yes, as he had said it, "Screw tradition." He may even add on there, "Screw the elders as well." A hint of mischief was hidden in his smile. He knew exactly what he would do next. A plan formed in his mind. The elders would never know what hit them.

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