Love of an Older Brother

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Qiru sighed. "He'll be fine. The exhaustion was what caused him to pass out. There wasn't much blood loss. He only needs to continue resting and not move around for a few days. As for Hanguang-Jun here, he also needs to rest for a few days and do nothing strenuous. I have closed the wound up on Wei Gongzi. They'll be fine with time."

Xichen smiled and breathed out in relief. Qiren was also happy to hear it. "Thank you, Healer Qiru. You may go now."

Qiru: "It's my job. No need to thank me. I still have one question: what are you going to do about the Jingshi now?"

The two hadn't even noticed how the Jingshi had once again been destroyed. Xichen felt a headache coming on. He sighed, the smile disappearing. "I'm certain we'll think of something."

Qiru bowed. "Please, excuse me then." He left for his pavilion. The two Lans studied the two sleeping faces. They decided to leave them alone.

Wei Ying woke up some time later and noticed he was on the bed, his wound closed. He looked at his husband and found him staring. "Lan Zhan, you're awake!" He had difficulty rolling onto his side to face him. Lan Zhan helped him. "Your fever's gone. That's good. Say, fuddy-duddy, why is it you keep falling sick on me? You are sick more than I ever was as a kid."

Lan Zhan simply stared at his husband, then kissed his forehead. "Mn. Wei Ying is beautiful." Wei Ying blushed.

Wei Ying: "Oh, Lan Zhan, what will I ever do with you?" He smiled brightly, snuggling into the other's chest. His stomach growled at that moment. "Ah...blast it!" he whined. "I had to go and be hungry now! I was so enjoying it too!" He pouted.

Lan Zhan could have kissed his husband's adorable face into oblivion, but he controlled himself and kissed his lips instead. "Will go for food. Stay here."

Wei Ying: "As if I could go anywhere. The Jingshi is destroyed, and I'm in too much pain."

Lan Zhan ignored him and went to the kitchen. On his way there, he ran into Xichen. "Wangji, you're awake!" Xichen hugged him.

Lan Zhan was surprised. "Brother?" Xichen smiled brightly at him.

Xichen: "I didn't think you would wake up! Your heart nearly gave out while you were fighting!" Xichen hugged him again. "I had to knock you out, you were in such pain. I'm just glad you're alright." He released the hug. "I was just going to check up on you two. How is Wei Gongzi?"

Lan Zhan: "Hungry," he replied simply. That made Xichen chuckle a bit. "Going for food now."

Xichen: "I will help you then, if that is alright?" The smile he gave said it didn't matter whether Lan Zhan agreed or not. He was going. Lan Zhan gave a curt nod and continued on to the kitchen. Xichen followed behind.

Some time later, the two entered what was left of the Jingshi. Wei Ying was waiting patiently in the bed. "About time you came with the food!" he exclaimed. "I'm starving!"

Lan Zhan helped him to the table. "Mn. Eat." Wei Ying did. In fact, he ate everything. Xichen chuckled. The twins cried.

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan, did you get their milk?" Xichen pointed to the two bottles sitting on the tray. "Ah. Okay then. Xichen, would you mind helping to feed them?" Xichen was ecstatic, and he quickly agreed.

The twins were fed and placed on the makeshift bed once more. Wei Ying had made a bed from one of the tables inside the small room. How a room such as that one could hold multiple furnitures? Not even Xichen could understand it.

Xichen spoke once everyone was finished eating. "Wangji, I do believe we can take a day or two for you to be off so you can have the Jingshi rebuilt. I know how much you dislike shirking your duties, but this is very important. Or you could stay at your other residence and continue your duties?" he said after Lan Zhan glared at him.

Wei Ying noticed it. "Lan Zhan, you don't need to glare at every person who talks to me or is anywhere near me just because you feel jealous." He laughed at his husband as Lan Zhan's ears tinged a light pink.

Xichen: "I will be going now. I hope you two stay well. Wangji, don't push yourself too hard. Wei Ying, I would like to see my nieces and nephew more often, so would it be alright for me to stop by from time to time?" He felt the glare from his brother but ignored it.

Wei Ying nodded. "Sure. I wouldn't mind it at all. In fact, you could even babysit them if you wanted to." The 'if you wanted to,' added at the end was just for looks. He knew good and well his brother-in-law would take up the offer.

Lan Xue was sitting on Xichen's lap. He perked up when he heard that his uncle would be playing with him. "Really, Uncle shee-shen?" He asked, trying his best to pronounce his uncle's name.

Xichen: "It's pronounced 'shi-chen,' and yes! We will have all sorts of fun! Just you, me and the girls!" The twins were sleeping peacefully.

Wei Ying kept back the urge to roll his eyes. Lan Zhan did it for him instead. "If you could, would you take them now? I would like to be able to rest more with Lan Zhan," Wei Ying said with a smile and leaning on one arm. No one thought Xichen could smile any wider than he was already, but he did. He agreed at once, taking the twins and Lan Xue with him.

Wei Ying sighed. At least for would be peaceful for a while. He leaned against his husband, breathing in the sandalwood scent. "You smell nice," he whispered.

Lan Zhan was reading. He wrapped his arms around his husband, pulling him closer. "I love you, Wei Ying." The sudden confession made Wei Ying's heart skip a beat. The boy blushed almost uncontrollably.

Wei Ying sighed with exasperation. "Lan Zhan, Lan Er Gege, how will I ever survive when you speak such sweet words to me all the time?" he spoke dramatically. He snuggled closer - if it was at all possible - and closed his eyes, breathing the cold sandalwood scent once more.

Lan Zhan carried the boy to the bed, laying him down and covering him with the blankets. Lan Zhan thought, as a surprise, in a few days, he would take Wei Ying to somewhere they could be alone.

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