Chapter 40- DAD'S WARNING

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This wasn't how Shayla expected to meet her parents after a whole month. She was supposed to be happy after seeing her parents, but all she could feel now was fear. She quietly followed her mother to the visitors' waiting area, and there stood his father, facing the large window panes. The expression on his face wasn't very pleasant, which worsened Shayla's anxiety.  


Mr. Paeker turned around to face her daughter. She waited for a brutal scold but instead she was engulfed in a hug by her father. 

"Dad," Shayla whispered brokenly as she started crying softly. 

Her mother started weeping behind her so she pulled herself back to face her mother. 


Her mother continued weeping as she said, "You were kidnapped! Shayla! You didn't tell us that you are friends with a public figure or artist or somethi-"

"Youtuber," Shayla said with a small smile that didn't reach her eyes. 

"Yes yes, whatever. You didn't tell us-"

"As if you know him. You don't know him, mum-"

"What if something would have happened to you? We have only one Shayla! Don't you dare hang out with those people again, Shayla!"

"Mum! Mumma you-"

"We know everything...we know why were you kidnapped. Basin told us-"

"His name is Basil, mum-" Shayla said while shaking her head and she was getting irritated that her mother wasn't letting her explain.

"Yes yes Basin," Mrs. Paker said while flicking her hand as she again took the wrong name. "We are your parents Shayla. You are supposed to tell us what the hell goes on in your life. We were scared to death. After that call with Wiana, we quickly departed for Nobren. We had to call Respina to ask about your whereabouts." Mrs. Paeker had taken Respina's number the day when she talked to her on the video call to see her daughter's roommate.   

"We had left Minvis alone, back at home. Shayla, these people, are not your type. They are big people with big problems. I don't want you to get tangled in their messy life. Look what happened today. What if-"

"FOR GOD'S SAKE MUMMA! My friend is shot! He was shot while saving me - your only daughter - only Shayla you have. And you are concerned about if they are a good company or not? I would have died if Aric hadn't reached there on time," Shayla lashed out frustratingly to which her mother glared at her with red eyes. 

"You see her Stepin! See your daughter?! Her mother is talking for her safety and benefit and she-"

"Shayla," Mr. Stepin spoke in a deep, authoritative tone and Shayla turned around to face her father. 

"You wouldn't have been in this condition if you haven't befriended those people. We don't know much about Aric Wiziann, we only know what the internet told us on our way here. We are not blaming your friends or Aric. We would forever be grateful to him for protecting you. But you can't alter the truth, Shayla. They are big people with a personal life that is not at all personal. They belong to rich, successful families. If they would get stuck in any mess or scandal, they have money and power to save themselves. What about you? We are normal people Shayla. Your father is a normal man with a private job. We won't be able to save you. We saw that picture on the internet today when we searched Aric. That yellow girl. That's you, isn't it?"

Shayla's eyes widened with horror. That was the last thing she wanted her parents to know. She silently prayed that please let this all be a dream. 

"We can't be mistaken in recognizing our daughter," Mrs. Paeker said firmly.

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