Chapter 10- FIRST DAY

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Shayla expected that she would be nervous on her first day but she wasn't, she was feeling a bit sleepy though. Last night when they got back to their room, she told Respina everything about her conversation with Bianca and Nattie. Although Respina was reluctant to agree with Shayla's decision of maintaining distance from her group and from Aric but finally gave up saying that she can't force her and would respect her decision. 

Both Aric and Shayla didn't sleep well last night. Their heads were pervaded with clouds of confusion. Aric, on one hand, wasn't able to understand how one unknown girl was affecting him in an inexplicable way. There was this desire burning inside him to see her again.

 Shayla, on the other hand, wasn't able to understand how she would be able to keep herself away from him. It seemed an impossible mission. And the cherry on the top was-- She was a roommate with one of his friends. A sudden thought of changing her room sprouted in her mind but she extirpated it. She didn't want to lose a friend like Respina as she developed an attachment with her in just a week. 

Currently, she was seated in the front row, like always, waiting for the professor to come. The lecture hall started filling up with new faces- students. Respina and Shayla's departments were in different buildings and were five minutes walk away. They were about to meet at one 'o'clock in the noon at the hosteller's mess for the lunch break.

Sourovitas University of Medicine, Science, and Technology(SUMSAT) was one of the finest private universities in the country. Since it was private and expensive, only two kinds of students attended it. One- who were heavily rich and two- who were intelligent and cracked SUMSAT's entrance exam. Shayla and Trivil belonged to group two while Respina and Kalier to one.

Soon, the professor entered the class and their lecture began on Human Anatomy. Shayla attended two more lectures and when the clock stuck to one she quickly made her way to the mess. 

"How is your day going so far by now? Made any friends?" Respina asked while slurping her shake.

"Nah, the usual hi-hello to those who were seated beside me," Shayla said as she munched on her apple.

"Well, mine was okay-ish. Didn't make any friends yet but I got a boy swooning over me," Respina grinned as she spoke to which Shayla giggled and spoke, "Aha! Nice!"

"There is something I forgot to tell you earlier this morning. You were in such a hurry that it slipped from my mind," Respina said.

"What is it?" Shayla asked as she took the last bite from her apple, her favorite fruit.

"Aric called this morning."

Shayla stopped chewing as she heard his name. Control Shayla, she thought to herself as she cleared her throat and started chewing again and tried to act collected as if hearing his name didn't affect her.

"Why are you telling me this?" Shayla asked annoyingly. "Last night I clearly told you not to talk about him in front of me, then why-" 

"Oh god Shayla, listen to me first. He was worried about us," Respina cut her off wearily.

Us? Us? Really? Why? Us means Respina and me? Why worry for me?  Shayla thought as she waited for Respina to continue.

"Kalier is in this uni, with us. And he is famous, like really famous, at the university. Nobody messes with him. He has got that 'don't-mess-with-me' bad boy image and he is a bully. Whatever happened last night between him and Gabrien isn't finished yet and you, too, are involved now. He will definitely try to block our way today. He'll try to intimidate us."

Rage. Shayla felt rage and irritation. Is he really worried? And if he is worried then what's the reason, what's the point? I need to stay away from him and he is making everything soo difficult for me, Shayla thought and then spoke soo rudely that her voice sounded alien even to her ears, "I can take a stand for myself, I can fight for myself alone. I can handle Kalier. He is worried for YOU, not ME. I don't need his fake sympathy or concern or whatever.  He doesn't even know me yet and-"

"Shayla! Seriously! Out of all the people you are saying this? What's wrong with you!? You are his fan for the past year, right? You know very well that he respects and protects girls. He is worried for both of us, especially for YOU, because you confronted Kalier last night, and in no way Kalier, 'the ultra egoistic asshole' will accept his defeat from a girl who bruised his ego. He will definitely come after you to bother you and create problems for you. Aric even asked about you last night and scolded me for letting you go alone. One thing you need to know about Aric is that friends matter to him THE MOST and he is a sweetheart. You accept this fact or not, but you are a part of our group now, no matter whether you wanna hang out with us or not, but you are our friend now and Aric never lets anything bad happen to his friends."

Shayla's heart was beating wildly inside her chest after hearing out Respina. He is worried about me? Aric is worried for Shayla? Aric is worried about a girl whom he hasn't even met yet? Shayla thought frantically as she felt goosebumps on her arms. A pang of guilt hit her like a strong wave.

This was true. Aric was worried for Shayla more than Respina because he knew that Kalier will definitely come after her once he'll come to know that they are in the same college. So the first thing he did in the morning was to call Respina.

Respina cleared her throat as she saw Shayla zoning out, "Well, Trivil is in our uni, too. Aric told me that Trivil will meet us here in the mess and he will be by our side till Dane and Aric arrive to confront Kalier. They were coming in the morning but Kalier wasn't here. He will arrive post-lunch I guess."

Shayla mumbled a small okay to Respina. She didn't know what else to say. Shayla was somewhere angry with Aric since last night and this anger of hers wasn't justified and she knew it. Aric doesn't owe anything to her. He can do whatever he wants in his life, it's his life after all. It was no one's fault if Aric had a girlfriend. Shayla realized that she was being childish and was acting like a psycho. 

I need to accept the fact that he is committed and loves someone else, and that should be completely fine by me. I am not his girlfriend! And I need to stop behaving like a spoiled brat. I should behave maturely and should act my age, Shayla spoke to herself.

Shayla was sorrowful that Aric was in a relationship but she realized that it isn't right to get furious at Aric. What was his mistake? Nothing.

"Hey, Trivil!" Respina shouted and waved her hand high in the air to which Shayla turned around on her chair and found Trivil standing at the entrance door of the mess with a smile on his face.

Shayla and Respina smiled back at him while Trivil waved at them. Trivil just took a few steps inside the mess when five boys came from behind him with smirks plastered on their faces which wiped off the smile from Respina and Shayla's faces.

It was Kalier and his sidekicks.

"Uh, no," Respina muttered as she shook her head.


I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here begins my favorite part- DRAMAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!

I honestly want Aric to beat the shit out of Kalier. Let's see what will happen now.

I know this book was a bit slow in the beginning. It's because I was building up the base. I believe that story should have a strong base so that readers could connect with the plot and characters. I don't know if I succeeded in this mission or not but I'm trying my best.

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Until the next chapter xoxo

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