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"Where are we going?" Shayla asked for the hundredth time. 

"Patience, impatient girl!" Aric said.

"And why are we on the bus?" Shayla asked with one eyebrow raised questionably.

"That you'll know soon," Aric said.

"You are playing with fire. I hope no one recognizes their beloved Youtuber traveling on a public bus with an impatient girl," Shayla said sarcastically.

"That's what masks are used for, girl. To conceal the identity, the face," Aric said rather cheerfully.

"You made me get up at five in the morning and we are on the bus for the past two hours. I don't get-"

" ask too many questions," Aric cut her off. "Can't you just sit back and enjoy the ride?"

"Fine," Shayla replied grumpily which made Aric smile.

Shayla sank on her seat and averted her eyes outside the window as her hair flowed along with the air which reminded her of her old days at Baskville and a smile played on her lips. She recalled how she, Bianca, and Nattie used to go to the bookstore, via bus, which was located two hours away from her house. She didn't realize how much she missed traveling on the bus until now. Since she came to Sourovitas, she had either been traveling in Respina's car, Aric's car, or in the cabs. 

Aric secretly clicked her pictures as she was lost thinking about her life at Baskville.

The next stop is Binnsbury street, an automated voice resonated inside the bus.

"Come on. That's our stop," Aric said as he got up and held Shayla's hand which caused the creation of butterflies in her stomach.

"Hang on a second. This street...Res told me about it once..." Shayla said as both of them got off of the bus and Aric dragged her with him.

Shayla's eyes widened happily in realization as she spoke, "This is Binnsbury's area...famous for-"

"Books, tea, pottery, plays, and magic shows," Aric completed her sentence with a known smile. "I know you wanted to come here since Res told you about this place, but never got the right time. There is no right time, Shayla. You just have to make it."

Shayla freed her hand from Aric's hold as she moved, excitedly, forward and in front of her was a broad street with colorful fags everywhere. Small children were running towards the vendor selling candy floss of different colors.  

"This all is so...colorful," Shayla spoke dreamily as Aric slowly made his way towards her with a soft smile on his lips and his hands in his pocket, and stood behind her.

Binnsbury was an area away from the main city of Sourovitas. It was almost on the outskirts of the city and resembled a small town or village. People here were away from the luxurious life, and none of them had a car except Jiklois, the magician. They all used bicycles. Almost every house had a kitchen garden. They used to plant vegetables and sell them to Miss. Fuolra, the old unmarried lady with two cats and one dog, who used to sell vegetables at the corner of the street. 

"Since people here don't watch youtube much, except for some tutorial videos, I guess I don't need this," Aric said as he, with great relief, removed his mask. 

"Are you sure?" Shayla asked although she knew he was right. People here looked so simple and good to click Aric's pictures secretly. 

"Double sure. I reckon they don't even know me," Aric said with a chuckle, "For which, trust me, I am grateful."

The Magician and The Goose (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now