Chapter 13- GO WITH THE FLOW

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Night fell. Aric along with Dane left at noon only, after inviting Shayla to the club. Tomorrow was the day when Shayla was supposed to join her new friends at the club.   

"Why? Why why why why why? Why Shayla WHY?" Shayla kept mumbling the 'why' word as she kept banging her head lightly on the wardrobe in the corner of her room. "I will stay away from Aric, I don't want to fall for him. I will keep my distance," Shayla mimicked herself mockingly, from the night at the concert,  in a deep voice, with her head still banging on the wardrobe.

Then she mimicked Aric with a twisted face, "You will come, right Shayla?"

"Oh yes, I will definitely come Aric. I'm a girl who always does the opposite of what she had decided. I am a stupid girl with no control over her stupid cardiovascular system and endocrine system," Shayla talked to herself animatedly with irritation as she groaned loudly and kept banging her head while she stood limply.

Respina came from the mess after having her dinner and was now standing at the door watching Shayla and she chuckled silently.

"Seriously? Cardiovascular, endo--whatever, what does it mean?"

Respina's voice didn't stop her from banging her head as she mumbled in a low voice, "Heart and hormones are what I meant."

"No doubt I'm enjoying watching you like this, banging your head like a cartoon, but you need to stop doing that. From my view, it seems like you are giving a 'BJ' to wardrobe handle."

Shayla quickly turned around and gaped at Respina while Respina laughed.

"What?! Don't look at me like that. I was being honest. Your actions compelled me to talk dirty, babe," Respina spoke as she winked with her eyes shining with amusement.

Shayla threw her pillow at Respina and then threw herself onto the bed with her cheek landing flat on the mattress. 

"I'm not in the mood Res. I hate myself," saying this Shayla groaned

"You didn't even have your dinner. Come on Shayla. Stop being so hard on yourself. Let yourself free for once."

"You don't understand Res, I-"

"Just go with the flow, Coco. Let's wait and watch together what destiny has for you in store. Didn't you notice? Everything that has happened in the past couple of days wasn't your call. It just happened automatically. Out of all the people YOU stumbled with Kalier at the concert. Why? DESTINY. We all were there but who came across punched Gabrien? YOU. Why? DESTINY. There are hundreds of girls and hundreds of Carry's fans in this hostel but I ended up being your roommate. Why? DESTINY!!"

Shayla sat up straight after hearing out Respina. 

"Things always don't go as we plan them. You need to learn to go with the flow, girl. The more you will resist, the more you will suffer. Don't run away from the situation, from him. The more you will run, the more your heart will urge you to do the opposite," Respina spoke with a small smile.

No words came out of Shayla.

"You know what I have learned? When your heart and brain are in a constant battle, let your heart win. The brain makes practical and logical decisions, but heart...heart pushes you towards what you truly desire," Respina squeezed Shayla's hand as if saying I'm here for you.

"Fine. I will now go with the flow, only because you said so, mind you. I have to call Nat-Bee now. Ohh, I don't know how they are going to react," Shayla spoke as she face-palmed herself.

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