Chapter 27- ROUGH RIDE

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Shayla was explaining the whole situation to Mr. Wiziann whose eyes were fixed on Aric, who was sitting on the counter and Respina was nursing his wounds. 

"Look at your face, I must say you look handsome," Respina spoke.

"Sarcasm is overflowing," Aric said with amusement.

"Yeah, that's what I intended to do," Respina replied after giving him a hard glare.

Shayla looked at Aric's glasses which she was holding in her hand. It was slightly cracked. A wave of guilt rushed over her as she kept staring at his broken glasses. She was pulled out of her trance when she heard the store doorbell chime and she saw Dane, Basil, Gabrien, Leslie, and Trivil rushing inside the store. Respina had left the message in the group quickly after Mikeg was gone, which said that: 

I would like to drop a bomb peeps: Shayla's ex has beaten Aric. His face looks like a mashed tomato right now. Over and out.

She saw them rushing over to Aric and inspecting his face worriedly while bombarding him with the questions like 'are you ok, what the hell did that guy do to you, why he did do that' etcetera. A small smile appeared on Shayla's face as she saw them fussing over Aric. She felt happy that Aric had such friends who quickly came running over to him after receiving one single message. Friendship and friends are really very important for each of them, Shayla thought.

Leslie started scolding Aric like a mother, which she actually was- Mother of the group, "I don't know what has gotten into you lately. Roaming around like a mad bull. Violence wasn't required. You could have talked to him---"

Gabrien interrupted her, "Do we need to break his face?"

"Need?! We will break his face," Trivil said furiously.

"I know. We will. I was doing a formality by seeking his permission. No matter what he says, we are going to beat that bastard," Gabrien said

Leslie looked at the boys horrifically, "Are you, boys, out of your-"

"Shayla, we need to know his location," Basil said.

Before Shayla could say anything Respina spoke up, "She doesn't know. It was a bad coincidence that he came here and found Shayla."

"We will find him," Dane said grimly, "And he will regret that moment when he touched our friend."

"Dane! At least you maintain your cool!" Leslie yelled.

All of them started clamoring to which Mr. Wiziann spoke, "Boys, calm down, boys....." His voice wasn't enough to stop the commotion.

Aric palmed his forehead in exhaustion as his friends kept arguing while surrounding him, so he spoke, "Guys, stop. Guys. Guys? Silence, please. SILENCE!!!!!!!!" He ultimately shouted which finally made them shut their mouth.

Aric jumped off the counter and turned towards Shayla as he spoke politely, "Shayla, my glasses please." Shayla walked over to him and handed him his glasses. "Thank you," he whispered with a small smile to which she smiled back.

Aric, then, cleared his throat and turned around to face his agitated friends, "Leslie what I did was justified. If you would have been in my shoes, I reckon who would have done the same."

Leslie folded her arms over her chest as she spoke, "Not at all. Punches and kicks weren't requir-" 

"He called Shayla a bitch and a gold digger," Aric spoke monotonously.

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