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"You ready?" Dane poked his head inside Aric's room as he asked so.  

"Yeah, I am."


"Nope. Just thinking what questions will they ask."

"I have told them not to ask any questions regarding 'the girl in yellow,'" Dane said to which Aric nodded smilingly.

Aric was going for an interview for a magazine, and he was slightly edgy thinking about what questions will he face. He knew he would be asked about his psycho stalker and him being shot by a gun. He had no problem answering these questions but at the same time, he knew he would feel uncomfortable listening to them. Also, he couldn't say no to the interview because he was having a photo shoot for the same magazine.

Dane and Aric were on their way to the interview when Aric noticed Dane glancing at his phone now and then.

"What's wrong?" Aric asked.

"Huh? Ohh...nothing. Leslie and I were supposed to meet today but she canceled the plan at the end moment and didn't even tell me why. I have called her like five times and she neither answered nor called me back" Dane said while driving.

"I can feel you bro...when Shayla wasn't answering my calls-" Aric stopped speaking when he saw the amusement glinting in Dane's eyes as he raised his eyebrows comically.

"Now what?" Aric asked annoyingly.

"Old Aric would have said-- What's the big deal? Stop acting like a little baby. She'll call you back. You are being clingy...bleh bleh blaaah..."

"Old Aric?" Aric asked while feigning a confused look.

"Stop acting oblivious. Old Aric means Aric before meeting Shayla," Dane said.

Aric shook his head and turned his face towards the window so that Dane couldn't catch him smiling like a small boy.

"You know, I'm loving this rush. This feeling of adrenaline pumping through my veins, this excitement of taking the risk and not telling the boys anything. I am actually enjoying it," Shayla said as she got out of Leslie's car. Respina and Leslie smiled at Shayla's words.

The girls advanced towards the police station as Respina spoke," Look at her, here I'm about to die with anxiety, and she-"

"My life was very boring, Res. Very, very boring. The only fun was long drives with Mikeg and sipping iced tea with Nat and Bee at 'The Peas.' I feel like a schoolgirl, breaking all the rules with no fear of getting detention," Shayla said with the most genuine smile she could have.

"I get you, girl. You feel like a rebel," Leslie said.

"Yes!" Shayla said as she grinned.

"Come to the point," Respina spoke worriedly, "How will we make the police tell us that did someone came to meet her or not?"

"We aren't going to ask directly," Leslie said as she gave a duh expression to Respina to which Shayla spoke, "No offense but your elder sister is smarter than you, Res."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever," Respina muttered grumpily.

"Perfect," Leslie mumbled as she glanced at her smartwatch, "It's ten o'clock, the visiting time. Come on girls let's go."

"We are here to see Wiana, Wiana Pilop," Shayla said to the officer at the desk.

The officer lowered his rectangular-shaped specs as he looked at the three girls standing in front of him. He was a chubby man with brown hair and a mustache.

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