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The clock struck five in the evening when Aric and the boys were having an emergency meeting at Aric's home. Aric's home was like their little headquarters where all the meetings were held.  

"I don't get it. Why would they hide such a big thing from us? No, no, wait, lemme correct myself, such a big dangerous thing from us?" Basil asked and looked around the boys with a questioning look. 

"Why wouldn't they? We boys are stupid. We make fun of Gabrien for not using his brain but the irony is we did the same when we were on the trip," Trivil said.

" Woah, ho, ho. Hey," Gabrien raised his hand in the air with an 'excuse-me' expression. "I have a well-functioning brain, okay?" Gabrien said, feigning an offended demeanor.

"I called the officer. You were right Aric, the three of them did go to the police station," Dane said as he came back into the room after talking to the police officer in charge.  

"Why did you call them? We should directly talk to the girls about it. They are playing with fire. Are they stupid?" Basil stated. 

"Yeah, call the girls," Gabrien said.

"I agree," Trivil said. "Let's talk to them. I get their point that they don't trust us - their over-confident friends - but still...Call them."

Dane pulled out his mobile from his pocket as he spoke, "Yep, I'm calling Leslie-"

"Wait, guys. Wait. Nobody is calling anyone. Let the girls do what they want to," Aric finally spoke up, sternly. 

"But-" Gabrien tried to interject.

"I'm not saying to leave them on their own," Aric gave them a duh expression. "We'll keep an eye on them to make sure that no harm is caused to them. We'll make sure that they are safe, but we will not tell them that we know about their little secret plan. We'll wait for them to tell us everything, all by themselves."

"But why?" Dane asked.

"I want to see what they want to do, what they are planning to do. Shayla is bubbly and childish, but she is not stupid. She is a smart girl, a very smart one. I want to see their next move," Aric said with a small smile. 

"If anything happens-" Trivil said but Aric interjected him, "I won't let anything bad happen to them. And who said that we will just sit back and let the girls do all the work? We are going to inform the police, but make sure that the girls won't know a thing about it."

"Okay then," Dane said and everyone nodded. 

"Seems like we have to trust our girls," Aric said while shrugging to which Dane and Trivil said 'yeah' in unison while Basil and Gabrien nodded their heads, and after a second or two, all of them jerked their heads towards Aric so quickly as if someone poured a bucket full of cold water over their heads, and Aric bit his tongue after realizing what he has just said.

"Our girls? Who's your girl?" Basil said with a playful smirk.

"I...I meant..." Aric tried to come up with a good excuse but he clearly was failing to do so.

"Have some shame! Still covering up? Shame," Dane said amusingly and tsked.

"HE IS WHIPPED!" Gabrien yelled over-enthusiastically.

"Wait a minute," Aric said thoughtfully with a comical tone, "Why did you say 'yeah', Trivil?" 

"Wait..he's trying to draw attention to rascal..." Trivil said defensively. 

"I'm saying both of them are whipped; Dane has Leslie, and Basil also has a girlfriend. Why my luck is dead when it comes to girls?" Gabrien said exasperatingly to which everyone chuckled. 

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