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"Don't you dare," Aric said as his jaws tightened in anger.  

Mikeg turned around and looked down at his forearm which was roughly grabbed by Aric, and then he looked up to meet Aric's blazing gaze. He studied his expression confusingly for a second or two and then spoke, "See, bro, you might be thinking I am some kind of harm to her, but I'm not. I just want to talk to her. She is the one, dude. She is the girl I told you about yesterday. Remember?" 

Aric's jaws twitched as he spoke, "Oh yeah I remember, vividly."

Shayla stood still, with her eyes on Aric now. Aric's eyes flicked over to Shayla and he saw her pleading with her eyes to let go of Mikeg's hand. 

Aric released Mikeg's forearm from his grip with a jerk as he inhaled deeply and spoke gravely to Respina, "We aren't the ones to decide. It's Shayla's life. She will decide whether she wants to talk to him or not. And you," Aric pointed his index finger at Mikeg, "maintain the safe distance between yourself and my friend."

Mikeg wasn't able to wrap his head around the expression that Aric's face held. He, first of all, was shocked to listen that Aric called her his friend. Since when did she become his friend, he thought. Secondly, he could sense the hatred radiating from Aric which was directed towards him.

"Can we talk? Please, Shayla?" Mikeg pleaded.

"We broke up over the call. I begged you to meet me, to clear things in person. Did you listen? No, right? Then why should I listen to you now?" Shayla said haughtily as anger swallowed her mind up.

"Because you are the sensible one. You always were and you always will be. I'm a jerk. Just, please. Let's talk."

"You are right actually. I'm not like you. I let people explain themselves, unlike you. Let's talk then, Mikeg," she spoke as she took his name bitterly.

"In private?" Mikeg asked hesitantly as he glanced at Respina and Aric who were glaring at him madly.

Aric wished for Shayla to say no, but he knew it was their matter and they needed privacy. Shayla nodded at him as she led him to the back door of the bookstore which led to a narrow, secluded alley outside.

Aric had this strong urge to follow them. He knew it was wrong but he wasn't able to hold himself back. 

"You are thinking to go after him and eavesdrop, right?" Respina asked. Aric stood silently as he kept glaring at Mikeg's moving back.

Respina exhaled and spoke, "I won't stop you. Not because I support you invading their privacy, but because I don't trust Mikeg being alone with Shayla. No matter whether he is a good guy or not, he is her ex. And trust me, once you are someone's ex you are not good news."

Aric quickly followed Mikeg and Shayla before he could change his mind.

"Where are Shayla and Aric?" Mr. Wiziann spoke as he stepped inside the shop.

"Umm...out for fresh air," Respina spoke nervously.

"Ah, I see," Mr. Wiziann spoke with mischievousness glinting in his eyes, "Fresh air uh-huh? I'm his father. I know him," Mr. Wiziann smiled amusingly as he started keeping books back. Respina gave him a forced smile and thought, Oh! You don't even have the slightest idea of what actually is happening, Mr. Wiziann.

Shayla stepped outside the door with Mikeg behind her. She looked at the sky which was turning into a mixed shade of dark blue and black. She could see a few stars twinkling as night was falling. She turned around to face Mikeg as the street light illuminated their faces and Mikeg gazed at her with a soft expression, "You still look the same. Beautiful."

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