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The month of September ended and began the cold month of October. The mornings and afternoons were warm, but evenings and nights were a little cold. Although the bone-chilling winter usually used to start in December, in Sourovitas. Shayla and Respina were excited like small little girls because they were having their freshers' party on the twelfth of October. Shayla was, well, more than happy because she topped her exams. But Respina was happier than Shayla because she didn't fail in any of her subjects, which she wasn't expecting.  

The letter-sender made no move. Aric had already informed the police and they were trying to track down that person. Trivil was in the same college so he was keeping an eye on Respina and Shayla, while Dane accompanied Leslie almost everywhere. 

Aric usually used to do his scripting in his room but now he started visiting the bookstore every evening. Shayla used to attend to customers and read the books, while Aric used to do scripting, but mostly used to Shayla. It became their small daily routine. Aric used to walk with Shayla to her university after closing the shop, and they used to eat ice cream. Shayla started eating mint flavor while Aric started preferring vanilla for himself. Shayla decided to go to meet her parents after her freshers' party.

I loved reading fairytales. I always loved reading books, of all kinds. When I used to read some epic love story where two people used to love each other to no end, I used to wonder that does such love exists. Do such boys and girls exists, who are like a goose, never leaving their partner no matter how destructible or dangerous storm approaches them. I believed that love is a strong shackle, a strong string that binds two people to eternity. I needed that love, I craved for that love. But then I used to think that it was not possible. Such things are unrealistic. I'm never going to have a goose for myself. I'll never get one. And when I was convinced that it could only happen in those fairytales, then, he happened. He wants a magician for himself is what he says, but what he's oblivious of is that he himself is magic. He heals, he protects, he charms...He is a magician...Or should I say MY Magical Goose. I think I am going crazy. I am dreaming of something which is near to impossible. But what about his eyes? His eyes speak volumes. How can I disregard it? Eyes don't lie, at least that's what the world says. Maybe I am that magician. Maybe I am a magician who has spellbound that carefree, lively goose. 

"Shayla...your mobile. It was Bianca. I saw the screen flashing. Why do have to keep it silent?" Respina said as she yawned and went back to her bed after handing the mobile to Shayla. 

Shayla exhaled loudly as she closed her notebook and spoke up, "Because I was writing my novel. I don't like it when someone calls me while I'm writing."

"Ah uh...correction, someone except Aric," Respina said playfully as she lay down on her bed. 

Shayla shook her head smilingly as she got up from her desk lazily and flumped back into the bed and called Bianca back.

"Hey, how's it going Bee. I miss you and Nat."

"Yeah yeah, we miss you too. Now listen," Bianca said almost in a hurry which made Shayla's eyebrows furrow in confusion as she asked, "What's wrong?"

"I don't know how to say," Bianca said hesitantly while scratching her head.

"We don't wanna spoil your mood, Coco," Nattie said and Shayla understood that she was on speaker. 

"But it's important. I mean not that important...but telling you worthy important," Bianca spoke tentatively.

"So, we have to tell you, we have no other choice-" Nattie spoke but Shayla interrupted, "Girls, relax. And spill."

"Mikegmessagedme," Bianca said quickly and bit her lips afterward.

Shayla understood every single word as she said astonishingly and angrily, "Mikeg messaged you?!"  Respina quickly sat up straight on her bed after hearing Shayla's word and a scowl appeared on her face. 

"Yeah," Bianca and Nattie spoke meekly.

"Arghh...Am I a magnet to drama and bullshit or what? Why did he message? What more is left to say, to do?" Shayla spoke frustratingly.

"As if he hasn't done enough," Respina muttered irritably but Shayla heard her and spoke annoyingly, "I agree. He has already done enough. Now what? And I told you and Nattie to block him, then-"

"He messaged from a different number saying that he is ashamed of himself for the way he behaved and talked last time. And he wanted to convey this message to you that he is sorry and he would never bother you again," Bianca spoke.

"Oh, really. Aww soo sweet of him," Shayla said sarcastically. "Well, you know what, tell him that he can shove up his freaking sorry in his freaking ass," Shayla almost yelled angrily to which Respina chuckled and spoke, "Best reply I have ever heard in a century."

Nattie smiled sadly as she spoke, "We knew Shayla it would deteriorate your mood, but we had to tell you-"

"I know. I understand. And don't worry about my mood. I'm fine. He doesn't affect me anymore. He can go and shit himself after what he did to Aric," Shayla said while grinding her jaws together.

"You are right. Come on now, calm down, and go to sleep. It's midnight already," Bianca said.

"Yes--wait!" spoke Shayla.

"What?" Bianca asked.

"I'm going to visit my parents this month. You guys--"

"YESS!" Nattie and Bianca shouted excitedly. "It's been a long time. I miss Baskville," Nattie spoke. "Yes, we'll come with you...I'm already excited," Bianca said as she squealed. 

"And what have you decided for December?" Nattie asked.

"I'll go home in December if there would be no exams, otherwise mumma would kill me" Shayla spoke. 

After a few minutes, Shayla ended the call and Respina spoke, "What's so special in December?"

Shayla grinned, "It's my birthday, on the second of December."

Respina's eyes widened, "What! Your birthday! I'm such a bad friend, never really asked about your birthday."

"So am I. When is your birthday, Res?"

"Seventeenth of April. Leave mine, yours is in about two months from now. Wohooo...I'm excited!"

Shayla chuckled as she spoke, "Take it easy. Two months is a long time."

"For you. Not for me," Respina spoke.

Shayla was sleeping peacefully when Respina messaged Aric:

I'm providing you with the most valuable information. You'll surely kiss my feet for telling you this...Who am I kidding, you'll not kiss my feet. But do thank me later otherwise you'll rot in hell. Anyways, the information is that-- Our Shayla's birthday is on 2nd December. Start thinking now that what will you gift her. Bye-bye. Over and out.

"It's her birthday in the next two months. It has to be special. I'll make it special. I'll make sure that she never forgets this year's birthday," Aric spoke as he beamed with elation. 


I'm such a confused soul, can't stick to one thing. I changed the title & cover of the book, AGAIN. LOL. I was just web surfing and came across this picture that screamed ARIC- SHAYLA to me...So I couldn't resist myself. And as for the title...well there is a reason why I changed it, which will soon be understood by you.

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