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Aric's mind was acting like a tortoise. It wasn't able to process the information at a faster rate like it used to do. The only thing his brain registered successfully was the fact that Shayla is shot but she is fine and alive.  

She is fine. She is fine. She is fine. She is here, with me. She is fine. She has to be fine, Aric kept speaking to himself mentally. His hands were shivering badly as he applied the pressure on her wound. His friends were removing their ties from around their neck to tie it around Shayla's thigh, and so did Aric. He untied his dark maroon tie and tied it tightly around her thigh, with his shaky hands, and she hissed loudly in return. Aric's hands were covered with Shayla's blood which was infuriating him and at the same time weakening him as he felt his heart splinter further into tiny pieces.

Aric could listen Wiana wailing in pain and it was fueling his anger. At the moment he didn't care a bit that she was a girl and his morals didn't allow him to raise a hand on a girl. He never raised a hand on any girl but now all he wanted was to slap her once, twice, or thrice, or more than that. What she did was totally unacceptable. 

"Your back was facing Wiana, so you didn't see her getting shot. Gab shot Wiana nano-seconds before she did. She fell down and her target missed. Bullet lodged in Coco's leg instead of head or chest," Leslie explained Aric hastily in one breath.

Trivil spoke, "Shayla, we need you to take deep breaths, okay? Your face is all white--"

Respina rubbed Shayla's palms and spoke, "I think her blood pressure is dropping--"

Leslie studied the horrified face of Aric and scolded, "Aric! For God's sake! She's fine! You stop panicking! And stop glaring at Wiana--"

Oliandrin tried to act like everything is under control as he spoke, "We need to take her to the hospital--"

"NOBODY IS GOING ANYWHERE!" Kalier shouted as he stood up with the gun in his hand. "You had one job, and that too you fucked up, Pilop!" Kalier blasted at Wiana who was still on the ground, hissing with pain. "Guess I have to accomplish your task," Kalier spatted bitterly.

"Drop the gun," Oliandrin spoke icily.

"As if I will. Are you stupid? Why would you say something like that?  Am I your pet dog? Everyone is so childish here. Especially this Pilop. Fighting like a cat with Paeker. You could have just shot her straight through the heart--"

"YOU DISGUSTING PIG! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WERE MY FIRST LOVE!" Respina yelled acidly as she stood up. 

"SHUT IT! I'm not here for a melodrama," Kalier spoke roughly to Respina then shifted his eyes at Aric, "Aric, I really wish to shoot you but I won't. Your girl shouldn't have slapped me. If nothing more, at least a bullet penetrating her chest is what she deserves. Am I right? I am right," Kalier spoke in a mock softness.

"Waiiit! Wait! You guys playin shooooot shoooot again? Hey, wait! I'm in," Gabrien swayingly stood up with Wiana's gun in his hand.

"Gabrien! Shut up! Give me the gun," Basil whispered in Gabrien's ears while gritting his teeth.

"Whyyy?" Gabrien whispered back childishly and Basil groaned and whispered, "So that we can have an upper hand."

"NO! UPPPERRR HAN! I'LL HAVE ANN UPPERR HANN, BROO," Gabrien slurred shoutingly. Basil slapped his forehead and gritted his teeth angrily at Gabrien to which Gabrien burped on his face.

"What is this going on? Huh? Am I a joke to you? Shut up, everybody?" Kalier bellowed irritably.

Aric looked to and forth between Gabrien and Basil and his brain seemed to start formulating a plan as he abruptly stood up and yelled, "Shut up Gabby! Enough of your nonsense. How much did you drink? I am thankful that you saved Shayla but what if your bullet has pierced Wiana's head or someone else's head? Huh? You would have been charged for murder! HOW COULD YOU SHOOT WHEN YOU ARE CLEARLY DRUNK"

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