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"Oh, you are back. I was just checking the sun outside, that in which direction it is set down," Respina said mockingly, as she came inside the room from the balcony. 

"Very funny," Shayla said as she closed the door behind her and slumped on the bed.

"No, I am not joking. I mean you never skip your classes. But today you did. And you didn't even tell me why?"

"As if you tell me everything," Shayla said with her eyes closed as she lay on the bed.

Respina knew she was talking about her and Trivil's history. Shayla knew it was very wrong of her to taunt Respina about something which she isn't comfortable with, which she isn't ready to talk about. But Respina, now, became one of her best friends and she wasn't able to hold herself back from the thought that her best friend isn't ready to share one of the most important things with her. Her patience was giving up.

"First, you tell me where were you?"

"I went to Mr. Wiziann's bookstore with Liania," Shayla said nonchalantly while yawning and her eyes were still closed.


"I told him I'll join from tomorrow."

"You took Liania with you? And not me? Liania, your classmate, right?"

"Yep," Shayla said as she popped the 'p' word.

"YOU BITCH!" Respina bellowed and Shayla shrieked then giggled as she ran around the room with Respina tailing her with a water bottle in her hand.

"My lord, let the victim explain," Shayla spoke as she kept running here and there in the room. 

"No trial, I have passed my judgment that I'll kill you. You have done a heinous crime of choosing your classmate over your best friend. You shall suffer my wrath," Respina said as she threw a water bottle at Shayla and she quickly ducked, so that the water bottle hit the almirah instead of her head.

Shayla panted and stopped, and so did Respina as she glared hard at her.

"I went to the clinic first."

"What- Shayla- You fine?" Respina's anger was quickly replaced by concern as she took some steps towards her.

"Relax," Shayla waved her hand, "I went to the dental clinic. I didn't tell you because I wanted to surprise you."

"Surprise me? What-" Respina asked confusingly as her lips curled up in perplexity.

"Are you ready?" Shayla asked excitedly like a five-year-old girl.

"Ready for what-"

"TADA!" Shayla grinned like a Cheshire cat and all her teeth came into Respina's vision

Respina's eyes widened as she moved a step or two backward with shock. "WHAT IN THE SHITTY TRICKY HELL!"

"You like it?" Shayla spoke while grinning so her voice came out in a suppressed way.

"Why did you do that?!"

"I needed them," Shayla said casually as she turned around and walked towards the mirror and grinned again to see her teeth, to see her braces

"No, you didn't!"

"Yes, I did."

"NO, YOU DIDN'T!" Respina 

The Magician and The Goose (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now