Chapter 66- OCTOBER 30th

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The morning of October 30th was full of excitement and anticipation as it was Gabrien's birthday. It was the fact that the group was always the most excited about Gabrien's birthday because his birthday parties were always the best.

"It's a record, none of his birthday party went boring. His parents are loaded, know, and Gabrien is their only child. I wonder that being a single child to a rich family how he hasn't spoiled and how he's still single. Anyways, Aric doesn't like to party on his birthday, and Trivil likes to keep it subtle. But Gabrien! I shall speak no more, you'll see yourself tonight that what I'm trying to tell," Respina spoke in a muffled voice as she was eating her roasted chicken while Shayla was slurping her strawberry shake. They were at the eating corner of the mall since Respina didn't have her breakfast at the mess because she woke up late. 

"You knew I hate shopping, still, you bought me with you," Shayla said complainingly, not paying heed to whatever Respina said. 

"Because you are my best friend so I want you to help me buy a dress for the birthday party," Respina said while glaring at her best friend. "Also, I'm buying a dress for you too."

"What? I have a dre-"

"I wasn't asking. I'm telling you that we are buying a dress for you," Respina said nonchalantly.

"But why?" Shayla asked irritatingly.

"It's your birthday-"

"After a whole one month," Shayla said with a 'duh' expression.

"Consider it as an advanced birthday gift."

"Promise me you won't gift me anything else on my birthday then," Shayla spoke sternly.

"Okay. Cool," Respina spoke almost grumpily.

"Fine. Deal," Shayla said.

Respina was busy eating up her chicken when Shayla glanced at the corner table where Trivil and Basil were.

"I feel bad for them," Shayla said while chewing the straw.

"Uh? Who?" Respina asked as she looked up at Shayla with her chin covered with chicken juice.

Shayla shook her head incredulously and spoke, "Trivil and Basil. They are stuck in here with us. Boys usually hate shopping. I can feel them. Look at their faces. It's so evident that they are bored."

"We haven't tied or handcuffed them or something. They, too, can buy something for themselves. Also, we told them that we would be fine without them following us like bodyguards," Respina said while rolling her eyes.

"They don't have an option. They are worried for us since Wiana is on the loose-"

"I know that." Respina cut her short. "I just feel irritated with them following us everywhere. I wanted to have a girls' day. Just you and me, doing girls' stuff. God, I hate that Wiana. Running after someone who doesn't love her. Psycho she is. Doesn't she know that it's wrong to force someone to love you? Aric doesn't love her. Period. And why she is after you? Because she is jealous. Jealous that her love loves someone else. Gawwwd...she's so sick. Does she think that killing you will make Aric fall for her? Ooof....she is a gone case. Who shoots the person whom they love?" Respina shook her head while curling her lips angrily.

"Don't spoil your mood today by talking about her. It's Gabby's birthday. You bought a present for him, right?" Shayla asked doubtfully.

"Obviously, I did. I'm not that careless," Respina said while trying to reach for a glass of water and her hand hit her mobile and it fell down on the floor. 

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