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The chapter was very long so I had to divide it(like always)


"Okay..we understand. But your lifestyle is very messy...we don't want THAT for our daughter!" 

Who is shouting! Shayla thought irritably as she rolled to the other side of her bed in her sleep and covered her eyes groaningly with a pillow when some muffled voices reached her ears from downstairs.

"Really? How do you have the gall to say that! She was about to die. You were also about to die. Those people are tarnishing her image...that's the last thing we want...sorry but we don't want you to meddle in between," a woman yelled nastily and annoyingly.

Arghh! Let me sleep!

"We don't think she is mentally or physically safe with you. That's it," a man yelled coldly.

Shayla groaned again as muffled voices were disturbing her already troubled sleep and she rubbed her face wearily and sat straight on her bed with her eyes closed.

"That's enough. Don't trouble yourself. We can look after her. You may go, Aric," a woman spoke.

Shayla's baggy eyes shot open instantly and all her drowsiness vanished in seconds upon hearing his name. Her eyes fell upon the wall clock and it showed time nine in the morning. She, hastily, jumped on her wheelchair and exited her room, and stopped at the mouth of the stairs, unable to go down. She craned her head to the left to see whether Aric was really there or was her parents with him on the call. To her pleasure, Aric was standing beside the sofa in a light orange t-shirt and black jeans.

"Aric," Mr. Stepin began curtly, and Shayla's inside twisted nervously, "I have seen the world and it's not hidden from me that you genuinely care about Coco. But you live a life that is pragmatically glowing under the limelight. We never had a problem with that until it started arising problems for our daughter. I very well know this fact that if you'll release a public statement that would maybe solve this problem but there are high chances that they'll abuse our daughter more stating that she manipulated you to do this. We have filed a case as I told you earlier and we don't need your help.

"I think you don't get it. Me and Shayla...we.. we love each oth--"

"Can you quit youtube for her?" Mrs. Sukeney interjected Aric abruptly.

Mrs. Sukeney's question stunned both Shayla and Aric to the core.

What the hell mom is talking about!! Too far this is, Shayla thought furiously.

Aric opened and closed his mouth several times, deciding what to say. He loved Shayla, no doubt, but he loved youtube too...if not more, then equally. 

"I know this is absurd," Mrs. Sukeney spoke softly, and this was the first time she was speaking so calmly with Aric, which is why Aric gave an astonished look. " I know this a ridiculous question. You can't give up your passion and career...and hobby. Shayla, too, can't quit her writing. She loves it the most. But your job, I mean your youtube, is creating troubles in her life. That psycho fan..who knows how many of them are still lurking out there. Shayla's life won't be the same again, it won't be peaceful and private again once she'll be with you."

Irritation was taking over Aric's body as he knew Mrs. Sukeney was somewhat right. 

"The scenario would have been different if it had been a private relationship..but now since everyone knows about it....and Shayla is being portrayed as some..." Mrs. Sukeney sighed languidly as she slumped down on the sofa.

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