Chapter 33- THE STALKER

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"I don't think it's a she, by the silhouette it seems a he," Shayla whispered to Aric as she shivered slightly because of the cold air coming from the open window. 

Aric's grip on the axe tightened as that silhouette started moving towards the window. 

"You can't run away now," Aric whispered to himself as he dashed towards the door and opened it with a jerk, stepped outside, and bolted the door from outside so that Shayla couldn't come out.

"What the----Aric! Don't! Just open the door damn it!!!!! ARIC!!!!" Shayla bellowed and banged the door loudly. She quickly ran to the window to see what was happening outside.

It was dark outside. A small light on the doorstep of the cottage wasn't enough to illuminate the intruder's face. Aric's knuckles turned white as he tightened his grip further on the axe's handle, while his pulse elevated and ears turned hot. The silhouette started approaching Aric, and Shayla's face went paler. Her heart was beating vigorously against her ribcage. The cold air now no more made her shiver as her body turned hot with fear. 

The silhouette came closer and closer into the range of the light. Aric was ready to attack in case that person had a gun.

Shayla fisted her palms fearfully as the light was about to reveal that person's face.

That person took slow menacing steps towards Aric and the dim light fell on that person's face.

"WHAT THE FUCKING HELL!! YOU ASSHOLE!" Aric shouted in absolute irritation as he threw the axe onto the ground in disbelief.

"What the hell? Is everything funny for you?" Shayla bellowed angrily from the window.

"Oh my god....Look at your faces. Oh damn!!" Gabrien spoke as he laughed hard while holding his stomach.

"We were SCARED! I hate you Gabrien." Shayla shouted.

"Are you out of your mind? What the hell are you doing outside at such a late night, in COLD???!" Aric spoke annoyingly while gritting his teeth together.

Gabrien wanted to reply but he wasn't able to hold his laughter. He kept laughing while wiping tears from his eyes.

Aric and Shayla were glaring daggers at laughing Gabrien when Trivil came from behind Shayla and stood beside her, which Shayla was oblivious of, as he spoke, "And I was-"

"ARRGGGHH!!" Shayla shrieked as she jumped in fright.

Shayla's shriek startled both Aric and Gabrien and they screamed in unison, "ARRRGHHHH!!!"

Trivil slapped his forehead as he spoke while shaking his head, "Everyone is a coward here."

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why do you boys want to give me a heart attack?" Shayla said while taking in deep breaths as she kept her hand over her wildly beating heart to calm it down.

"At least you stopped laughing now," Aric spoke to Gabrien with a glare as he picked up the axe, huffed in annoyance, and went inside with Gabrien following him.

"You were saying?" Gabrien asked Trivil.

Trivil folded his arms as he spoke, "And I was waiting for you at the back door on this cold night and you are here, fooling around."

"What is going on?!" Dane came out of the room and stood against the banister in the hallway upstairs, as he looked down at his four friends while rubbing his eyes.

"Can't we sleep in peace?" Respina spoke irritatingly as she came to stand beside Dane.

Basil came out from his room which was by the side of the living room, downstairs. He looked pissed off and his hair resembled an old bird's nest. He slammed his room door behind him and walked into the middle of the living room like a zombie and spoke while faking a cry, "PLEASE, let this boy sleep. PLEASE MY FRIENDS PLEASE!!!!!" He joined his hands together in a praying gesture as he screeched in annoyance. "This is the last time I'm telling y'all- DON'T DISTURB THE SLEEPING BASIL." Saying this he stomped on his feet and went inside his room and slammed the door shut.

Two things everybody knew about Basil. One, he loved his guitar more than his girlfriend, and two, he loved his sleep more than his guitar.

Shayla palmed her lips to stifle a giggle after seeing the zombie act of Basil.

"We are not in the mood to know what you guys were doing there downstairs. We'll listen to your story tomorrow. For now, I request you all that no more screaming or banging the doors, PLEASE," Dane spoke as he yawned and went inside his room and so did Respina.

"EXPLAIN," Aric spoke gravely as he glared at Gabrien, "Otherwise I'll kill you with that axe."

"Was this all a prank? Is there no stalker at all?" Shayla asked while raising her eyebrows.

Trivil shook his head as he spoke, "No no. Let me explain. His--" he pointed at Gabrien, "--useless brain is probably frozen from staying outside in the cold for long. We weren't sleeping. I and Gabrien were in my room playing online games when we heard a noise from outside. I thought it might be a stalker. So I and Gabrien decided to have a look. I stayed back to guard the back door while Gabrien patrolled the house."

"Patrolling? Without an axe?" Aric spoke as his eyes shone with amusement and he taunted him, "So smart of you Gabrien."

Gabrien gave a sheepish grin as he spoke, "I know, thanks. Then I saw two figures standing at the window with an axe. So I thought to-"

"Scare us." Shayla completed his sentence to which he grinned wider.

Aric spoke abruptly, "Wait? Back door? It's still open---"

"I'm not Gabrien. I bolted it before coming in here," Trivil spoke to which Gabrien rolled his eyes.

The four of them started arguing oblivious to the fact that someone has crept their way to the bushes beneath the windows outside and was listening to their whole conversation as the windows were open. 

"Your brain is slower than a snail," Aric spoke.

"Argh, first close that window. It's getting cold in here," Gabrien spoke as he rubbed his palms together. Shayla approached the window and closed it shut.

First Elliema, and then next is you on my list, Shayla Paeker, that person, that crazy stalker thought when Shayla closed the windows.

"Count your days Shayla and get ready to say goodbye to my Aric," that person whispered.


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Until the next chapter xoxo

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