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The one day after that showdown with Kalier at the tunnel, Shayla decided to go to Baskville for a few days to meet her parents. Aric and the group decided to accompany her too since they have never been to Baskville, also all of them desperately needed a getaway. Aric knew he wouldn't be welcomed at Shayla's house, so he decided to stay at a hotel with Dane and others.   

I have to shoot my new song in the first week of November, so I'm gonna be super busy. Hence, I need to get away from Sorouvitas for a while, that's what Aric said.

Since Baskville was a small town, there was no airport there and nobody was in the mood to go by train, not even Shayla. They decided to go by car which was a six-hour journey. Nattie and Bianca were coming via train. 

Gabrien was driving the car and Respina sat beside him with Aric and Shayla in the back seats. It has been an hour and no one uttered a single word. Gabrien tried to crack a joke or two but no one laughed, instead they just grunted absentmindedly. Gabrien glanced at the side mirror and saw Dane's car behind him, with Dane in the driving seat with Leslie, Basil, and Trivil in it.

Everybody felt blue and no one was really in the mood to talk. They all were lost in their own thoughts. Aric was constantly thinking about only one thing- What Kalier would be planning? He informed the police about him being the suspect, but they couldn't arrest Kalier as they had no evidence against him. Also, Kalier had an alibi on the night of the fresher's party, when Leslie's car was vandalized and Shayla got the note. Histian, Nikos, and a bartender was his alibi. 

Shayla was dwelling in guilt again as if it was her hobby to do so. She knew that Kalier deserved more than a slap, but she didn't experience any satisfaction (which she reckoned she would feel)after slapping him. She always imagined that she would feel relieved after giving him a tight slap but she felt the total opposite. Maybe because now she was afraid of the consequence which that slap would bring. 

Aric glanced at Shayla from the corner of his eyes. He knew she was feeling many things altogether. Guilt, anger, frustration, and more importantly guilt. The guilt of not listening to him when she should have. That was a huge drawback of Shayla. She could be stubborn sometimes, especially when she shouldn't be, and later she regrets her decision. Never do something which you would regret later, that's what her mother always advised her. Avoid making decisions when you are acting stubborn, that's what her father always told her. 

"Your head would burst if you'll think so hard, Shayla," Aric spoke with a small smile.

"Oooof! Thank goodness at least someone spoke. That uncomfortable silence was biting me," Gabrien said groaningly. 

Shayla didn't want to talk but when Aric spoke up, she realized that she actually wanted to share her feelings, her thoughts with someone, or apparently with Aric. 

"Aric, I messed up. Right?" Shayla asked carefully to which Aric smiled(it seemed a forceful smile) and spoke, "Shayla, I'm not saying that Kalier didn't deserve what he got, a slap; all I believe is that you shouldn't have come there. We were handling the situation in our own way."

"I feel like an overconfident jerk right now. How could I think that I can make things right with Kalier when you guys couldn't do that since you've all known him for a very long time," Shayla spoke in a defeated tone. 

Respina took a sharp breath as if preparing herself to give a long, complex lecture, "Shayla, I'm your best friend, and best friends aren't supposed to lie. Aric won't say this but I'm saying, and no offense please, you need to realize that you are not some fairy with a wand who can make things right with just one frigging flick. You listen to people when they advise you wrong but you don't listen to people when they advise you right. I can give you an when you were advised to stay away from Aric just because he is out of your league, according to you, and you took that advice! And when---"

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