Chapter 17- DRIVE

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Dane, Basil, Trivil, and Leslie were in Trivil's car while Gabrien, Aric, Respina, and Shayla were in Aric's car as they were going back home. Their cars went in different directions.   

"If he'll puke in my car, trust me he'll regret why he got wasted tonight," Trivil spoke while driving.

Trivil and Leslie were in the front seats while Dane was in the back seat with Basil's half body laying on his lap as he slept with his mouth wide open. "No matter how many times I close his mouth, he opens it every time. He is wasted like hell," Dane said while scrunching his nose as Basil was snoring lightly and he could smell alcohol from his mouth.

"I saw an emotion in his eyes, which I couldn't make out. I mean he went on the dance floor....with a girl... that's huge, right Dane?" Leslie asked as she turned her head around to look at Dane.

Dane just nodded as he, again, tried to close Basil's mouth.

"I was shocked. I mean, yeah he dances a bit, but couple-dance...Oof...never. I think he's interested in Shayla," Trivil said.

"He is confused," Dane said with his scrunched nose.

Gabrien was driving Aric's car as Aric had sent his driver home, earlier. Respina was sitting beside Gabrien and both of them were exchanging amused looks as Shayla's head was on Aric's shoulder and she was fast asleep.

"Okay now stop it already," Aric said annoyingly.

"What did we do man? I'm just driving and Res is sitting like a statue of a saint," Gabrien said innocently.

"Hahaha, I'm not stupid. And, she's anyone but a saint," Aric replied haughtily.

"Why did YOU sit beside Shayla when I was sitting there? Give me the answer and we'll stop exchanging looks," Respina spoke.

"Because...ummm..maybe she'll wake won't be able to handle you, too, are tired. I was just trying to help you and you are taking my actions otherwise."

"Really?! Aww, you can't even lie properly," Respina spoke teasingly.

"I'm not lying, I-"

"BURGERR!!!!!" Shayla woke up with a jerk as she shouted which startled everybody, especially Gabrien as he quickly applied brakes.

"Oh, man!!!! She scared the crap out of me. Res, please don't make her drink next time, otherwise, I'll die of heart attack and I'll make sure, as a ghost, that you are thrown behind the bars," saying this Gabrien resumed driving.

Aric looked at Shayla amusingly as she spoke in a singsong manner, "Stop the car, stop the car, Gabby Gabby stop, Gabby Gabby stop."

Aric chuckled while Respina spoke, "No doubt you sound cute, babe, but in no way we are going to stop the car. It's already half-past one."

Aric! Youu stop the carrrr...please.." Shayla spoke childishly as she kept her chin on Aric's shoulder. His eyes flicked on her lips for a second as he cleared his throat nervously and spoke, "But why? We need to-"

"I wanna eat burrgerr."

"-go home and sleep. You have-"


"-classes tomorrow."


"Okay...we'll eat burger...but for that, you have to be quiet. If you'll remain quiet we'll stop at a nice burger place, deal?" Aric spoke to Shayla.

Shayla tapped her index finger on her chin, pretending to be thinking when she finally spoke, "Deal."

The three of them exhaled in relief.

Shayla was silent for like forty-fifty seconds when she held Aric's forearm and leaned towards him and Aric stared at her like she's the most precious thing on the planet, "You know Aric, I'm your huge fan. It's rude when you are sitting with a fan and don't let them take selfies with you," Shayla spoke softly.

"Oh yes, I agree with you, Coco. Come on Carry. Take a selfie with Coco," Respina spoke with a smirk.

Aric glared at Respina as she was teasing him and then pulled out his mobile from his pocket and opened the camera.

"You ready?" Aric asked Shayla as he raised his mobile at a certain angle.

"Wait, let me think of a pose...umm...ya I know one," saying this she made a piggy pout and snorted loudly which made everyone laugh. Aric quickly recorded a video of her. During the whole ride, Shayla kept taking selfies with Aric and made weird funny faces and soon everybody joined her.

The three of them waited for Shayla to fall asleep but there wasn't even the slightest trace of tiredness in her eyes.

"She is heavily drunk, Res won't be able to handle her," Gabrien spoke.

"Our room is on the fifth floor, I can't make her climb stairs alone. And it's late night. Guard would definitely inform warden if he'll see you carrying a drunk girl to the girl's hostel at about two 'o'clock," Respina spoke.

"Your university is awful," Gabrien remarked.

"It's not the uni, it's our warden. She's a jerk," Respina spoke.

"You three crash at my place tonight. It's getting late. We have no other option," Aric spoke after a while as he stared at Shayla who was singing some random lyrics while playing with her hair. She had long forgotten about her 'burgers'.

Aric carried Shayla in his arms to the guest room and she didn't resist as her energy was depleting and her eyes felt heavy to her. He laid her down on the bed and gazed at her with a smile on his face.

This girl. She's something else, Aric thought as he kept his eyes on her.

"Want me to tease you more? If no, then go to your room and let the princesses sleep," Respina spoke humorously as she lay down beside Shayla, "Or are you planning to gawk at her like a maniac, the whole night."

"I was just going," Aric quickly spoke as he exited the room before glancing one last time at Shayla. 

Aric came to his room while Gabrien was already sitting on his bed with an evil grin plastered on his face, "So??"

"So what?" Aric spoke disinterestedly as he opened his wardrobe and started changing.

"Going to delete the selfies or-"

"I'll send those selfies to Respina, then I'll delete them. Why would I keep them," Aric spoke monotonously.

But both Gabrien and Aric knew that he wasn't going to delete them, not anytime soon.

And that's exactly what happened. 

Aric looked at those selfies with a smile on his face before going to sleep.

She is one amazingly crazy girl, with this last thought in his mind, Aric finally got a peaceful sleep after the concert.


Comment your views about the chapter.

Something big is going to happen in the upcoming chapters.....*grinning like a psycho*


Until the next chapter xoxo

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