Chapter 21 - OLD FACES

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The sky seemed red and was covered with white thick clouds. Sun was setting down. Birds were returning back to their nests. A soft breeze was flowing over the city of Sourovitas. The atmosphere, the evening, and the sky were calm but Aric wasn't.

"You'll do live streams and they will keep nudging you with the same question again and again. They already had made a tagline for that pic. 'The Girl in yellow' is what it says," Trivil said.

"I'm just going to keep my mouth shut," Aric replied monotonously as his fingers played with his earphones lying on his bed.

"Dane told us about that text Elliema sent you," Basil said.

"What text?" Trivil asked.

"Wants him to announce that she was that 'yellow' girl and she's his girlfriend," Dane said as he rubbed his face in exhaustion.

"You doing that?" Basil asked although he knew his answer. 

"Never. You know my rules. Keep it private until it's not permanent. And honestly for the first time, in the past year, I actually feel that me and Elliema-- it won't last long," Aric said as he exhaled loudly.

"Finally, after whole one freaking year you came back to your senses," Dane mocked.

"What you're waiting for then? Go and terminate this so-called relationship," Trivil said expectantly.

"Not now. Not today. She would think that I'm breaking up with her for...for Shayla. She needs to understand that things aren't working for her and for me. Hell, things never worked for us," Aric said in self-realization. He felt stupid. Stupid for not listening to Dane and the rest of his friends, earlier. He thought he loved Elliema but now he knew, now he realized that he was wrong, he was fooling himself, and all it took was one question, one single question from a girl he knew for four or five days, to make him realize about his feelings.

Do you love Elliema? Shayla's voice kept ringing in his ears since that club night and every time his heart replied No.

"I agree. He can't break up now, regarding the current scenario. It will complicate the already complicated things," Gabrien said with seriousness.

Every one of them looked at Gabrien with raised eyebrows. There were very few moments when Gabrien actually talked smart and this was one of those moments.

"What? Come on you guys. Stop. I'm not as dumb as you all think of me. Sometimes I can also talk sensibly," Gabrien said while rolling his eyes.

Everyone chuckled lightly and Basil then cleared his throat, "So what's the deal then?"

"What you talking about?" Aric asked confusingly as he got up from his bed and kept his earphones on the table.

"You and Shayla, obviously," Trivil replied with a devilish grin.

Aric groaned loudly as he spoke, "She is my friend, just like she's your friend."

"Just friend?" Gabrien asked amusingly while wiggling his eyebrows.

"We are just friends," Aric replied while showing him his middle finger to which Dane mumbled 'asshole.'

"Just friends? Seriously? Whom you kidding? You like him. You like him and you know that," Nattie said as she huffed and shook her head.

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