Chapter 22- DAD DANE'S KEYS

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"Mikeg? As in your ex? Is here? In Sourovitas?" Respina asked as she licked her candy bar. 

"Hmm," Shayla said with her full concentration focused on her ice cream.

"Girl, sometimes I feel like you are a magnet to trouble. Wherever you go, trouble follows you," Respina said.

"Drama has become my constant since the day I arrived at Sourovitas. First Ellie, then Kalier, then that picture scandal, and now Mikeg. When I prayed for an adventurous life, this isn't what I meant God," Shayla said while looking towards the sky as if talking to the almighty to which Respina chuckled.

Both girls were returning back from the campus's grocery store. It was evening time. Nattie and Bianca stayed in Shayla's room for the night and left the next morning.

"Well," Respina spoke as she threw her candy stick in the dustbin when they reached outside their hostel, "You sure you are not coming for tennis?"

"Yep. I have to complete my due assignments, plus, have to prepare a presentation for tomorrow's lecture. Also, I suck at sports," Shayla spoke as she took the last bite of her ice cream.

"Okay, see you later," Respina said as she jogged towards the tennis court which was six to seven minutes away from their hostel.

"Later," Shayla said.

Aric and Dane were on their way to Sourovitas University. Dane had to pick up his car which he, had earlier given to Respina.

"When will you learn to drive?" Dane asked as they were inside Aric's car in the backseat with a driver at the front.

"I don't like driving," Aric said while scrolling down the Instagram on his mobile and all he could see were posts of 'The Girl In Yellow' posted by his fan pages.

Can I have a dance with you, Aric?

Aric felt his heart skip a beat as Shayla's voice rang in his ears. She looks good with me, he thought as he stared at that viral pic on his phone

"Huh? What? How can you dislike something which you have never tried? Driving is a necessity in today's world, my friend," Dane said to which Aric just hummed.

Their car stopped outside the gates of the university and Dane called Respina on her mobile.

"Hey Dane!" Respina said as she panted.

"Hey, Res. I'm here for my car," Dane spoke and by her panting, he understood that she is either at the football ground or at a tennis court. These two were her favorite sports.

"Oh shoot! I totally forgot. I had classes back to back today. I'm at the tennis court and your car keys are in my room. I'll get--"

"Wait, wait. Don't disturb your momentum. Tell me the room number. I'll fetch it up by myself. Your room is locked or--"

"54 and Shayla is there. She knows where the keys are. Gotta go, bye," saying this, she hung up.

Dane grinned to himself to which Aric gave him a strange look, "Do you suffer from mental attacks? Why are you grinning like a psychopath?"

"So, the keys are in her room and she's playing tennis. Will you grab them for me? Please?" Dane asked as he feigned an innocent expression.

"Haha, I'm not doing your task. You go and bring those ke-"

"Shayla is there, in the room."

Aric stopped abruptly with his lips open as he heard her name.

"But it's okay if you don't want to bother your legs. I'll go. You just wait inside the car like a good boy till daddy returns. Okay, my son?" Dane said playfully to which Aric punched him hard on his shoulder.

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