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A/N- Most of my readers range from age 13 to 18 and drugs are mentioned in this chapter. I would like to say that using drugs is hazardous to health and illegal. One should never use or consume drugs. 


Elliema was playing pool, at her house, with Kalier, to release her anger.   

"He is ignoring me. And you know what? He fought a boy double his size. He fought for Shayla. He fought with her ex," Elliema said annoyingly.

"Well, you should forget him. Guess he is developing a soft corner for that concert girl," Kalier said nonchalantly. 

Elliema jerked her head up to glare at her brother, "What did you just say?"

"What you heard. He never fights. You know him. The geeky and funny Aric," Kalier spoke bitterly. "Back at the basketball court, I saw an emotion flicker in his eyes, for her. He was all riled up because I called that bitch 'bitch'. He said he would tear me apart - something - if I will touch her."

"He's Aric. He is protective of all of his friends," Elliema spoke, trying to convince herself.

"Yeah, but he knows her for like what? A day or two? Listen, just forget him. Also, I reckon you guys don't love each other."

"What?! Leave him? So that people can say that I lost Aric to a small-town girl?" Elliema bellowed.

Kalier chuckled sarcastically, "People? Who people? Everyone thinks that that damsel in yellow is his girlfriend. Even his friends don't consider you his girlfriend."

"Stop making fun of me," Elliema gritted

"I'm just stating facts," Kalier chuckled.

Elliema was about to say something when Kalier started sniffing and his hands started shivering lightly. He threw the snooker cue on the pool table as he rushed towards the door. Elliema ran after him and grabbed his shirt.

"You have started consuming drugs again??!!!" Elliema shouted.

"I need to go. I need my dose," Kalier said precipitously.

"Are you out of your mind?! I have always supported you Kal, but not in this. Quit drugs else I'll tell dad about this," Elliema warned gravely.

"LET GO OF ME!" Kalier roared as he grabbed his sister by her throat to which her eyes grew wider in shock and panic.

Kalier loosened his grip on her throat when he realized what he was doing.

"You see! This is what drugs make you do. It makes you harm your family, your friends, and then ultimately YOU," Elliema shouted.

Kalier dashed out of the door as his hands started shaking badly. Elliema ran after him as she bellowed, "Quit it before it kills you!!"


Aric was ready with his script. The only thing he was waiting for was for his face to heal so that he can shoot his next video. 

Shayla and Respina were happy as today was their last exam. Last week was pretty busy for them due to all the practical exams, assignments, case studies, and then ultimately theory exams.

August was about to end. Aric told everybody that they were going on the trip in the first week of September. No matter how much Respina pushed Dane, he didn't tell her about the challenge which Aric lost, saying that it's boys' stuff. Shayla decided to join her part-time job at the bookstore after she would return back from her first trip with her new friends.

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