Chapter 28- OUR WORD

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Past is like a wound. Even if it heels, a scar is left behind which keeps reminding us of how much that wound pained us and what caused that wound. The more we run away from the past, the more it chases us. We have to own it. We have to face it, no matter how much it scares us. My past came chasing me. I was a fool to think that ignoring it would be the ultimate remedy to get rid of it. But I was wrong. The only effective remedy is to face it, to face it like a sea cliff faces huge, powerful tides. If your present is good, it shields you from your bad past; and that's what exactly happened with me. My present saved me, once again. I wasn't wrong to call him my savior. He had my back since day one. My savior is like a flower. My savior wears specs. My savior isn't a fight buddy, but he fought for me. I would never forget that thing, that one beautiful thing he told me. He told me he was injured for me, not because of me. Friends- that's what we call each other. Nothing more and nothing less. But why do feel like there is soo much more? Are my brain and my heart fooling me? Am I perceiving wrong? I don't know and I don't care. I feel like I have jumped into a vast deep ocean without knowing how to swim. I jumped maybe because I feel like he was my life jacket. Though I know I will drown, I know the end of this story. But I'm ready to take my chances.  

Shayla glanced at the table clock. It was one 'o'clock in the morning. Respina was fast asleep. Shayla closed her notebook as she wrote another chapter of her untitled novel. She stood up from her chair and went out on the balcony. She wanted to call him. Wanted to know if he was fine. She had his number but didn't have the courage to call him. What if he is asleep, what if he is busy with his work, such thoughts invaded her mind. 

Arghhhh....I'm calling him, thinking this Shayla dialed Aric's number.

Aric was wide awake, playing with his earphones and thinking about her as he was sitting on the chair. His mobile rang up and the name which flashed on the screen shocked him. He felt a tickling sensation in the pit of his stomach. He never thought that someone's call can make him feel these foreign emotions.

"Had Dane been here, he definitely would have said- Does Elliema's call make you feel like this," he spoke to himself as he inhaled the air deeply and picked up the call just when Shayla was thinking that calling him was a bad idea and she was about to hang up.

"I..I...I hope I'm not disturbing you."

"Not at all. Plus, friends have the right to call their friends whenever they want. You are still awake Shayla? Everything okay?"

"Yeah, I was studying. Exams are near," she bit her tongue as she lied.

"Ah, I see. I hate exams. Another reason why I didn't join college."

Shayla smiled, "I know. You hate studies. What were you doing? I reckoned you would be fast asleep by now. Today was an exhausting day."

" was scripting for my next video," he scratched his neck as he lied.

"I hope your wounds heal before you start shooting for your next video. Don't want the viewers to nag you with questions like who ruined the face of their favorite Youtuber. You are already troubled enough because of my stupidity when I was drunk and you got clicked," Shayla spoke meekly. Aric sensed the guilt in her voice. He went to the balcony attached to his room and spoke softly, "Hey, Shayla. Don't do that again. No self-blaming, please. I never regret fighting for my friends. You would have done the same right?"


"You know, I hate buts and ifs."

Shayla chuckled lightly, "Okay sorry I.."

"I hate sorry and please."

"Oh god. Okay fine," Shayla spoke as she rolled her eyes.

"I know you rolled your eyes at me."

"Wha---how?" Shayla's eyes widened.

"Now your eyes are widened in shock," Aric spoke as his lips widened to form a grin.

"Have you installed any camera on my balcony? If yes, I'll sue you, Mr. Wiziann," Shayla said which made Aric chuckle.

"I don't need cameras, Ms. Paeker. I can read you like an open book," Aric said cockily.

"I didn't know this talent of yours, Mr. Wiziann, that you can read people," Shayla said playfully.

"Not people. Just you," Aric spoke faintly.

Shayla felt blood rushing to her face as she spoke almost in a whisper, "How?"

"I don't know," Aric spoke with a smile as he glanced at the full moon.

"Well, you are the first one who read me precisely," Shayla said as she stared at the moon dreamily.

A silence followed as both of them kept their gaze on the moon. Shayla cleared her throat as she broke that peaceful moment, "I called to ask you about your wounds. Are you okay now? Does it hurt bad?"

"Nah, the blood made it look worse. I am fine now."

"What did your mother say?" Shayla asked timidly.

Aric chuckled, "You know how mothers function. I won't lie to you, she went all mad over me after she saw my face. This was the first time she saw me like this. Yeah, she did exaggerate a bit but Dad and Oliandrin handled her."

Shayla again started feeling guilty and Aric spoke, "And don't you dare to go into that guilt zone of yours."

Shayla giggled, "Yeah fine fine."

"You watching the moon? It's yellow," Aric spoke smilingly.

Shayla nodded but then she realized he can't see her so she spoke up "Hmmm I - wait what? Yellow? No, it's white. Oh my god. I think due to swelling your eyesight is-"

"I meant beautiful," Aric interjected.

"I don't understand," Shayla spoke as her eyebrows scrunched in confusion.

"I'm going to say yellow in place of other words, but only when I'm talking to you. And if you are a true friend of mine then you will understand the meaning behind my every yellow," Aric spoke as he grinned childishly. 

"Ohhh," Shayla laughed as she spoke, So it's like our word."

"Why not? Friends do have things like this, which only they understand. Suppose I want to talk to you in code language, then what? I have a code word with my other friends too," Aric said.

He lied.

He had no code words with others.

She's making me do things that I never dreamt of doing. She's making me do Dane-Leslie-type things, things for which I used to mock Dane, Aric thought as he shook his head while chuckling silently.

Shayla beamed as she said, "Okay then. YELLOW."

"YELLOW," Aric whispered.


Friendship is growing strong day by day *coughs* *grins*

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Might update the next chapter today. Writing it right now.

Sometimes I feel like dropping out of college so I can write day and night. Writing makes me happy *scratching my head sheepishly*

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Until the next chapter xoxo

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