Chapter 55- IN BASKVILLE

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Aric and Shayla were silent throughout the rest of the journey. When Respina tried to tease Aric, he said only one thing, "Respina Trinpit, I will murder you, and the next thing your soul knows would be me sharing a cell with Wiana Pilop." It made Shayla chuckle, but then she quickly averted her gaze outside the window.  

It was four o'clock in the evening when two black cars(Dane's and Aric's) halted outside the Paeker's house. All of them got out of the car except Basil, who was sleeping in the backseat of Dane's car and was drooling, like always. Nobody dared to wake him up. Never disturb Basil when he is asleep- the most important rule. 

"It's not that big and lavish, but it's warm and welcoming," Shayla said with a peaceful smile as she looked at her house. Oh, how much she missed her town and her home.

"Just like you," Aric spoke faintly. It was the first time Aric spoke to Shayla after their coward-debate.

"Uh?" Shala said as if she wasn't able to believe that Aric finally uttered something. 

"Umm..Uhh...I said...warm and you," Aric spoke timidly.

"Glad you finally started speaking out your emotions," Shayla playfully taunted with a smile, and then quickly bit her tongue. Oops, she spoke to herself.

Aric chuckled and then spoke, almost in a whisper, "I'm learning." He, then, raised his eyebrows and spoke, "And, I'm glad that you dropped the idea of staying away...from me."

Gabrien kept Shayla's luggage near her feet and Shayla thanked him. 

"You guys, please come inside," Shayla spoke to which the group gave her a hesitant look.

"Shayla, I don't reckon that's a good idea. Regarding past incidents, I think your parents need some time," Leslie spoke tentatively. 

Shayla's face fell to which Aric spoke, "Shayla, I know you are feeling bad that we aren't coming inside, but I and Respina won't be welcomed warmly...and that's not how I imagined meeting your parents-" It was Aric's turn to bit his tongue and curse under his breath. Shayla tried to suppress her smile while Aric cleared his throat and spoke, "I mean, I don't want your parents to think of me or Respina as bad friends. We will surely, one day, go inside, there," he pointed towards Shayla's house, "But not now, not today."

Shayla nodded, "It's okay. I understand."

"And don't forget, you have to show us around, tomorrow morning, sharp at ten," Gabrien spoke excitedly. 

"There isn't much to show, but I have a couple of my favorite places. I'll take you all there," Shayla spoke.

"We would love to," Dane said.

Shayla saw the cars drive off, with Aric waving at her, to which she smiled and waved back. She exhaled sharply as she rang the doorbell.

"SHAYLA! YOU ARE HERE! YOU DIDN'T TELL ---OH MY BABY! COME HERE!" Saying this, Ms. Sukeney, Shayla's mother, hugged her daughter tightly and Shayla reciprocated the hug with the same intensity. 


Mr. Stepin came out of the living room while Minvis came running downstairs.

"Dad," Shayla spoke with happiness as she ran to her father and hugged him. 

"Oh no. Look who's here. The stubborn monster," Minvis, Shayla's younger brother, said jokingly, to which Shayla punched him lightly and then hugged him. "I missed you the most, Minvis." 

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