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Aric reached the parking lot and saw Kalier, along with his two friends and Elliema, leaving in their big blue car. Aric wanted to punch him soo badly but somehow restrained himself from doing so.   

He felt as if this night would never end. Today was a strange day. Things- which he never thought of- happened today. He looked at the sky covered with clouds and thought- When will today end? This today seems never-ending. I am tired.

Dane and everybody else came after him when Kalier's car passed by them and Elliema waved goodbye to Aric, in response to which he just nodded and Respina showed a middle finger to her which she didn't notice.

"You want a ride, Res?" Aric asked Respina.

"You guys are already four in Dane's car. I'll go with Trivil and Gabrien," Respina spoke

"How did Shayla go to the hostel? I mean she's new here, besides it's late at night. She should have told us that she's leaving, one of us would have dropped her," Leslie spoke to Respina.

Leslie was the mother figure of the group. She was a naturally caring person and this quality of hers made Dane fall for her pretty fast. Dane was mature and sensible. They were like the perfect couple- made in heaven. Anybody could tell that they were made of each other by spending just a couple of hours with them.

Aric, again, felt something strange in his heart after hearing her name.

"She's new? Respina you shouldn't have let her go alone. Or you should have persuaded her to take a lift from Dane or Trivil," Aric said to Respina. Okay, so now you are worried about a girl whom you barely know. Great Mr. Wiziann, a voice inside Aric's head spoke.

I'm not worried. She is new and she's a girl so it's the responsibility of every guy to respect and help girls, another voice defended.

Respina fidgeted her fingers as she didn't know what to say. Aric and Leslie were right but Shayla pleaded so strongly about leaving her alone that Respina didn't have any other option.

"Umm...she probably hired a cab. She was in a hurry and left quickly. I'm just going to call her now and ask her if she reached safely. "

"Well, we should get going. Tomorrow is my unit exam. This multitalented Basil is a guitarist as well as a student, if anyone of you remembers," Basil spoke as he yawned.

"Yeah, this multitalented Basil possesses two more talents, can open his mouth like a hippopotamus while yawning, and can hibernate like a bear," Trivil spoke while others chuckled.

Aric, Basil, and Gabrien were twenty-two years old. Aric and Gabrien were school friends since eleventh grade and Gabrien met Basil in college. Basil was an A1 guitarist so Gabrien introduced him to Aric while he was composing his first song and since then they became friends.

Dane was Aric's neighborhood friend since childhood and was one year elder than him. Aric later, along with his family, shifted to a different area but they still remained friends. Dane was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. His father had a chain of restaurants. 

Trivil came into the picture later. He was Kalier's friend earlier and was on the university basketball team with him but then a huge fight drifted them apart. Aric met Trivil through Elliema, a year ago, and soon he became part of their group.

"You go get the car Trivil. I'm waiting for you on the roadside. I have to call Shayla," Respina spoke as she went outside the huge gates of the stadium. She was about to call Shayla when she saw someone sitting on the opposite side of the two-lane road. "Shayla! What the hell she is doing there? Is this girl out of her mind?  I'm going to kill her," Respina muttered to herself as she advanced toward her.


Dane, Aric, Leslie, and Basil were on their way back home when Leslie broke the silence, "I had always stopped you guys from beating some sense to Kalier's shitty mind, but this time I'm saying- Give him a taste of his own medicine. Go to the university tomorrow and ask him to stay away from us."

"I'm glad that, finally, you realized that all he needs is some good strong punches from us," Dane spoke while driving. Leslie was sitting beside him and Basil- Aric was in the back seat.

Aric had his own car but he didn't learn to drive. 

The three things he was least interested in were - Driving, dancing, and gym. And three things he was most interested in were - Singing, YouTubing, and gaming.

"I am really glad  that Shayla reached there on time and somehow helped Gabrien escape that situation, otherwise----"

"Wait, what! Shayla what?!" Aric shouted soo loudly that Basil, who was dozing off, jumped on his seat.

"Dude!" Basil kept his hand on his chest as he spoke, "You want your guitarist dead by the next concert? Are you high or what? I'm telling you Dane something is really very wrong with this asshole today. This multi-talented Basil can't even sleep properly because of this asshole Aric. I reckon he is planning to give me a heart attack."

Aric murmured a sorry to Basil as he spoke to Leslie, "What do you mean by what you said earlier?"

Leslie told him how Shayla stood up for Gabrien and everything else.

Aric didn't know why but he started loathing Kalier more than ever.

"Shayla has landed herself into trouble by messing with Kalier. He won't let this go. His ego is bigger than this whole universe. Plus, Res and Shayla are in the same university as him. We have to go tomorrow before he starts bullying Shayla too," Dane spoke calmly as he kept his eyes on the road, ahead.

Thought of Kalier bullying or causing trouble to Shayla, riled Aric up. He wasn't able to understand why was he feeling such immense anger now, but all he knew was that the first thing he was going to do tomorrow was to break Kalier's face. 

His jaw clenched in anger and his palms formed a fist as he tried to control himself. If he'll even glance at Res or Shayla, I'll fucking destroy him, Aric spoke mentally.

Leslie and Basil soon dozed off and Dane decided to speak up for which he was waiting impatiently for the past hours, "Tomorrow you are going to tell me everything Aric."

"What do you mean?"

"You know very well what I mean."

"Well, there is nothing---"

"Seriously Aric? After all these years of being my best friend, do you really think you can fool me? You can fool this whole world, but you can not fool your best friend. You are going to tell me. Period. You have to tell me, one way or another, and you know that. So stop lying.  "

Dane applied brakes as they reached Aric's house. Aric quickly got out of the car and spoke, "See you tomorrow, good night," saying this he started walking away.

"You know you can't avoid this. This isn't over. You have to tell me one day," Dane yelled and Aric stopped and turned around to face him and spoke with a poker face and serious tone, "Be ready for tomorrow, I'm not going to spare Kalier." 

Saying this, Aric walked away.


I feel like I should have published this chapter before the STWAY AWAY chapter. Anyways, let it be now *grinning sheepishly*

I'm in love with Basil's 'world-can-go-to-hell-I'm-gonna-sleep' attitude.

Aric is trying so hard to hold himself back but....*insert evil laugh*

I'm pretty much excited to write the next chapter. Drama is about to begin. Get ready!!!

Comment your views, it helps me to improve. And do vote- it motivates me.

Until next chapter xoxo

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