Chapter 73- DO I NEED TO?

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On the morning of second December, Shayla and Aric's fans got another unexpected surprise. Aric released his new song on youtube with the title DO I NEED TO? The whole group, including Shayla, was at Aric's house when Shayla saw the new song video. She never anticipated that Aric would release that song which he wrote and sung especially for her. That video made Shayla fall harder for Aric. She just couldn't stop crying. It was an animated video that showcased all the moments of hers and Aric. Moments like they are watching a magic show, they are sitting on the bank of the river and licking their melting ice cream, and the moment when Shayla is reading the book and Aric is secretly staring at her, at the bookstore.

Nobody except Aric, Shayla, and their friends could guess that those scenes in the video were actually real-life events, true events of Aric-Shayla's love story.

"This is the best birthday gift ever. I just can not believe my eyes. Did you write a song for me? Did you make a song video for me? And you released it on my birthday? I...Oh god, this is so overwhelming, Aric," Shayla drew in a weak breath as tears threatened to make their way on her cheeks, "I don't know what to say. I feel like a thank you would be an insult in return for this beautiful gift. I..." Shayla stopped abruptly as finally she broke into happy tears and Aric hugged her tightly while Trinpit sisters produced an 'aww' sound. 

"THIS IS THE BEST PROPOSAL EVER, MAN!" Gabrien yelled excitably with a stupid grin on his face and everybody eyed him incredulously.

"What?" Gabrien asked stupidly while raising his hands in the air.

"Can't you see they are having a moment?!" Basil whispered scoldingly.  

"Wrong timing?" Gabrien asked sheepishly.

"OBVIOUSLY!" Leslie and Respina yelled in a whisper.

Shayla, like Aric, didn't like to throw a party on her birthday or cut a cake. She liked things subtle and it wasn't hidden from the group, so they decided to go for a picnic.

Shayla wanted to go to Baskville to meet her family on her birthday and that was her original plan but the new exam schedule ruined it. Final exams were starting on the twelfth of December and she had loads of practicals to complete, which was worrying her but ultimately she pushed the exam thoughts away after Aric said 'Keep your exam stress aside, I know you'll do good. Relax and's your birthday.'

This was the first time that she wasn't with her parents on her birthday. Nattie and Bianca wanted to visit Shayla but they were having their presentation tests.

The picnic went more than amazing. After a really long time, the group enjoyed without the fear of being attacked by a stupid stalker or a dangerous druggy. They felt like normal people with no worries and enemies.

Later, in the evening, Aric (again) introduced Shayla to her family as his girlfriend. Mr. Jasial shrieked 'I KNEW IT' after Aric told them about his relationship. Mrs. Peppila was happy that her son is in love with a girl who loves green vegetables and Mr. Jasial was happy that his son is in love with a girl who loves books, and Oliandrin...well he was happy that his brother is in love with a girl who loves him back with the same intensity and sincerity.

Aric's fans anticipated that their favorite YouTuber might be in love or in a relationship now since Aric never wrote any love song. They spammed his social media accounts with comments like- Are you in a relationship? Do you love somebody? When will you make it public?

Shayla was back in her hostel after her dinner date with Aric on her birthday. Everything felt so unrealistic. She felt as if she was floating above the clouds. The guy from whom she was initially planning to stay away was now her boyfriend. Shayla laid on her bed as she replayed the journey of how she met him and how they became friends and how they faced all the dangerous yet blood-rushing adventurous situations. It made her emotional. "The journey was tough but it was beautiful, Aric. I don't think I would have made through it if you weren't standing by my side, like a rock strong barrier. I never enjoyed my life the way I enjoy it with you. You took me places. You made me laugh, smile... Thank you for everything, goosy," Shayla spoke slowly to herself but Respina heard her and smiled as she crossed her fingers and prayed to God to not let anyone jinx her best friend's happiness.

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