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Winters were gone and summers arrived. Aric has never been this happy before. Life seemed more beautiful to him. He had success and friends but still, there was a void, and he didn't even realize that a void existed until Shayla came and filled it with love.

Shayla is hard to explain in words what she was feeling. She moved to a big city, made some amazing friends, and ultimately found the love which she was seeking for a very long time. Her exams were over and she performed well and maintained her first position. She and Aric went on vacation for fifteen days and Shayla didn't tell her parents. She felt bad but she was left with no option. 

Aric and Shayla learned new things together, like driving. Aric taught Shayla cycling. Shayla taught Aric cooking. And then Mr. Nip, Aric's driver, taught both of them to drive a car. They joined the same gym. It was unbelievable since both of them hated work-out but now it seemed they started enjoying because they had each other's company and most importantly they got plenty of time for some make-out sessions too in the locker or changing rooms of the gym.

Mrs. Peppila was the happiest woman on the planet because Aric started eating green boiled vegetables and it had two main reasons. One, he started working out, and two, SHAYLA. All Mrs. Peppila wanted now was a girl for Oliandrin who would make him eat her famous healthy and tasteless green veggies.

The month of July was about to end and it was one of the best months for Shayla as it was Aric's birthday month. The second of July was Aric's birthday and he celebrated it at his cottage with his family(which included Shayla too) and friends. For Aric's birthday gift, Shayla made him read few chapters of her novel SHARIC and told him that it's their love story. Leslie couldn't stop talking about how crazily they were in love with each other. One wrote and released a song as a birthday gift and another wrote and was planning to publish the book as a birthday gift. 

Aric now gained some muscles. He still maintained his lean body form but his shoulders looked a bit bulky than before. His body screamed that Aric works out. Shayla got some perfect body curves. In short, they were transforming physically. 

I used to believe that fairy tales don't exist in real life. It's just fictional. A beautiful piece of imagination and nothing more or less. Perhaps I was wrong. He proved me wrong. He proved it wrong. Fairy tales, sometimes, do come true...only if you are lucky...or if you have manifested it from the core of your heart and soul. My savior admitted that I am his magician. I know this is so surreal...this all seems like a cliche fictional love story where the girl ended up with her ultimate crush...but this all is is the most unbelievable and beautiful truth of my life. It would be wrong to say that I CAN NOT live without him. I have goals and responsibilities in my life so I have to live even if he is not with me. But, the fact is that I DON'T WANT to live without him. I CAN BUT I DON'T WANT TO. Is this love? Yes, I guess it is. I came out of my cocoon for him. He broke his stupid rules for me. I  stood up for him. He fought for me. I made my plans change for him and he...he changed for me. Love is not a one-way deal. It is a partnership. When two people bend their ways for each other and face every single trouble, no matter how simple or grave they are, then they experience emotional and mental growth in togetherness. I still remember what he told me when I was in doubt that whether two people belonging to totally opposite worlds can be together happily and peacefully. He said- NO STORM CAN MOVE DETERMINED HEARTS. He is right. No one can tear us apart now because we are determined to stick together, to be together. 

Shayla closed her notebook and this time with a big smile.

"Completed?" Respina asked while eating cookies with milk, on her bed, which was her routine before night sleep.

The Magician and The Goose (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now