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Again it's my exam tomorrow. This whole month I'm having exams, but nothing can stop me from writing...ROFL...Please vote :) happy reading :)

Stubbornness was one of her traits. Leslie tried a lot to make Shayla understand that she would look good with make-up, but it wasn't enough to weaken Shayla's resolve. Respina complained a lot about how stubborn Shayla is sometimes to which Leslie reminded her little sister that 'You are the ultimate queen of stubbornness'. 

Respina and Shayla were getting ready for their party and Leslie was helping them. Shayla didn't go to Aric's house to meet him. She didn't know what she would say to him. A thank you? He doesn't like Shayla being formal to him and she knew that. What she was supposed to say? She didn't know. She was still hazed and couldn't believe that Aric presented her with a beautiful dress. She knew that if she'll go to see him, she will surely stammer badly and would end up embarrassed and flushed. 

Aric, on the other hand, was nervous and anxious. He felt the same anxiety that he usually felt after uploading a video on youtube. Would she like that dress? What if she won't accept it? What if she thinks that things are going a bit fast? What if she starts ignoring him again? Such thoughts sprouted in his mind. He wanted to call her, but he felt shy. That was so not Aric. Dane was right. Love does change people.

"He should have given it to me all by himself," Shayla muttered and Leslie heard her while she was doing her hair. 

"You should have seen his face when Dane was compelling him to give that gown to you by himself. His face went red. I and Dane laughed for an hour after that. He was so nervous, God! I have never seen this side of Aric. He was like- I...How can I...Les can give it to her...or Res...I'll just write a...a note," Leslie said while trying to mimic Aric which made Respina laugh and Shayla giggle. 

It was a grand party with many students as SUMSAT(Sourovitas University of Medicine, Science, and Technology) has this rule of conducting one single, combined fresher's party for the students of all the streams. 

Almost every eye was on Shayla when she entered the celebration hall. Shayla felt beautiful. She kept thanking Aric mentally every now and then when somebody complimented her dress. Her black, wavy hair was now straightened, thank you to Leslie, and fell open with a small bun above her head. She wore flats as the gown was heavy and she knew she won't be able to manage herself and her gown in a pair of heels. 

Respina was talking to a boy, who was clearly interested in her, for the past fifteen minutes and Shayla saw Trivil glaring at that boy from the corner of the hall. Shayla understood that he was feeling jealous. I have to talk to Respina about her history. I keep forgetting about it, Shayla thought to herself. Trivil was one year senior and he was in the party-organization group of the senior students, so he was there at the party. To Shayla's relief, Kalier and Nikos weren't there.

When it was the turn for the couple dance, Trivil silently slipped himself out of the hall, not bothering to participate. Respina danced with the same boy named Liman. Shayla came to know that he was the same boy who had a crush on Respina since their day one at SUMSAT.

To Shayla's surprise, many boys asked her for a dance but she politely denied them all. Her mind went back to the club night when she danced with Aric. Suddenly she started missing Aric as she saw students dancing in the couple. She wanted him to be with her tonight. She wanted him to see her in the yellow gown that he chose for her. She wanted to dance with him, and no one else. 

Shayla sat at the drinks counter alone. Her face fell and her heart dropped. He bought this dress for me and won't be able to see me in it. I wanted him to see me. Wonder what he would have said. Probably would have cracked some stupid flirtatious line. He sucks at flirting, but he looks cute when he does that, Shayla spoke to herself as she giggled silently.  She recalled how he confessed to her that she is the first girl he had ever flirted with. No doubt why he sucks at it, Shayla thought with a smile.

The Magician and The Goose (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now