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Aric was restless as he was waiting for Dane. He knew that Kalier will arrive at university post-lunch but still, he felt restless.   

He was sitting on the swing on the patio of his house, eagerly waiting for Dane to arrive when his car stopped with a screech outside his gate.

Seeing Dane's car he jumped to his feet, sprinted towards it, and quickly seated himself inside it.

"Trivil called me. He's at uni and going for the mess," Dane spoke as they drove off to the university.

"Yeah okay, drive faster, it's already half-past one," Aric spoke impatiently as he looked at his smartwatch in his left hand.

"Man, it feels like you can't wait to kick some ass."

"Yeah, I'm dying to meet Kalier, know. He's my best friend. My buddy, my brother. I freaking love him so much," Aric spoke sarcastically as he cracked his knuckles, "Let's go and visit my best friend."

Dane chuckled as he spoke, "As you wish, sire."

Aric's heart started beating wildly as the car stopped outside the large gates of the University. She's inside, Aric spoke to himself.

They parked their car and asked one of the guards the direction and made their way to the mess.

Aric kept opening and closing his palms again and again. He was feeling nervous.

What the hell, why the heck I'm nervous, he thought.

"Relax, she won't eat you," Dane said casually with his eyes focused ahead, looking for the mess.

Aric's eyes widened as he turned his head to the right to look at Dane.

"What? Who SHE?"

"You are acting as if you are going on a date with her. Soo frigging nervous. Relax."

"What are you talking about dude!?"

"Don't act oblivious. You know what I'm talking about," Dane replied coolly.

How the hell he always knows everything, Aric thought. Aric was happy though, that with Dane he needed not to utter even a single word. He used to understand him every single time, inside-out. True friendship and true friend is a blessing and Aric felt blessed that besides his parents there was someone else too, on this planet, who knew him very well.

While Aric-Dane was about to reach the mess, Kalier was already there with his friends. The humming of the crowd stopped as they saw Kalier. Trivil, Shayla, and Respina glared at him as if he was some robber, who came to rob the bank and they were security guards, ready to protect the bank.

Trivil quickly pulled out his phone and sent a text to Aric.

He's here.

Meet us at the basketball court. Dane knows where it is. 

Kalier menacingly walked toward the three of them. He stopped a few steps away and looked straight into Shayla's eyes as he spoke while smirking, "Ah, we meet again, Concert Girl."

"Ah, we meet again, Douchebag," Shayla replied challengingly as she stared back into his grey eyes. 

"I must say I'm impressed. But let me advise you something now, concert girl, that you shouldn't mess with people until and unless you don't know who they are and what they can do."

The Magician and The Goose (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now