Chapter 8- STAY AWAY

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Shayla was now sitting on one of the rock benches outside the premises of the stadium, on the footpath. The two-way road was illuminated by large white road lights.   

She was looking at the sky. It was a full moon night but clouds covered the moon from Shayla's vision. The gentle cool breeze was flowing over the city. For a while, she thought that she was in Baskville.

Shayla realized that no matter how lavish life was in Sourovitas, Baskville was far better than this large city. There were no big buildings back there in Baskville but there was peace and greenery. There were no big hotels and restaurants but there was pure good food and fresh vegetables straight from the fields and the farms. There were no penthouses and flats but there were small houses filled with the warmth of love.

Life was too fast in Sourovitas. People were too practical and detached.

I'm missing home, I'm missing the air of Baskville, I'm missing my people, Shayla thought as a single drop of tear fell from her left eye.

She stared at her phone for a few seconds before she video-called Nattie. She knew Bianca would be there too as both of them were roommates.

Nattie face lit up with happiness as soon as she saw Shayla.
"Come over here you farting machine, it's Shayla on the call," Shayla chuckled as Nattie called out to Bianca who was sitting on the balcony of their hostel room.

Bianca smacked Nattie's head as she spoke," Never call me that again. I'm not the one who rots the atmosphere with the fart, it's YOU."

Nattie looked at Shayla with her mouth hung open, "Can you believe this farting machine, Coco? She farts like a dirty pig, man! You are soo lucky Coco that she isn't your roommate otherwise all of your nostrils' hair would have burnt by now," Bianca punched Nattie's shoulder irritatingly as Shayla laughed out.

Nattie pushed Bianca off the bed as she continued, "She farts periodically you know! Maximum 5-6 in the morning, then she controls her farts till evening, I reckon she's practicing how to control her farts during classes and then maximum 6-8 in the evening... And at night... Wait...I lost count...But I guess more than 20 because when I wake up in the morning I feel like I spent my night in a sewer with pigs who ate dead rotten mice for dinner."

Upon hearing this Shayla burst into laughter while Bianca kicked Nattie off the bed and started hitting her with the pillow.

"Wait, just stop. Oh god. My stomach aches," Shayla somehow managed to speak amidst her laugh, but Nattie and Bianca didn't pay heed to Shayla as they were having an intense pillow fight and Nattie's phone was laying on the bed.

Shayla smiled while looking at the screen, although all she could see was the ceiling of their room.

She smiled because she didn't even share her sadness and pain with her two stupid friends and they already cheered her up a bit.

Shayla kept staring at the screen with a smile when Nattie-Bianca came back, panting loudly and their hairs resembling an old bird's nest.

"This isn't over yet," Bianca said to Nattie warningly while flashing her index finger at her.
"Same. I won't give up. I will raise my voice against your torturous stinking farts," Nattie replied challengingly as she blew her hair out of her face.

"I miss you guys," Shayla spoke in a faint voice with a small smile.

Both Nattie and Bianca looked at her worriedly. They sensed that something wasn't right. Today was the day. Today was Carry's concert. They were expecting to see a glowing Shayla who couldn't stop talking about her experience at the concert, but this wasn't the case.

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