Chapter 34- WIANA PILOP

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A/N- This is one of the most important chapters in this love story according to me. Do read and comment your views.

Wiana Pilop was a twenty-two-year-old girl who worked as a delivery girl for a pizza shop. She was a girl who never got noticed by any boy. Her parents were getting a divorce. Wiana wasn't a happy child. She had no siblings, also she was an unplanned child to her parents. Her parents' toxic and unhappy marriage affected her childhood negatively and was still affecting her, both mentally and emotionally. She was fifteen years old when she was all frustrated and angry due to her parents' constant fights and her classmate teased her with the name ugly pig, to which she beat her badly until her head and nose started bleeding.  

She wasn't a violent child but circumstances made her so. The only thing that succeeded in bringing a smile to her face was Aric Wiziann a.k.a. CarryWizz's comedy videos. She didn't realize that when she got obsessed with him. Her bedroom walls were covered with his sketches, photos, and posters. She got a tattoo of his name below her left collarbone. She attended every fan fest and every live concert of Aric's. What triggered her was that viral picture of Aric, holding a girl in yellow in his arms. She went all mad and crazy after that. She wanted to know who was that girl. She believed that Aric was single, but now she was unsure. So she started stalking Aric as well as his group. Her main focus was on Leslie, Respina, Elliema, and Shayla. She was sure that if Aric has a girlfriend then it got to be one of these four girls.

By stalking she came to know that Leslie is with Dane and Respina was kind of a sister to Aric. Now Elliema and Shayla were her targets.

She was with them on the flight, sitting behind Aric's seat. She heard all the conversation about Elliema wanting to sit with her boyfriend which made her want to kill Elliema right there and then. But then she heard Aric and Shayla's conversation and she realized that Aric was planning to end things with Elliema.

Also, she noticed the unusual heat between Aric and Shayla which made her loathe Shayla more than Elliema.

It was very cold at five in the morning and Wiana was wide awake inside her small tent amidst the dense, tall trees. Her tent was ten minutes away from Aric's cottage.

She sat all squeezed up, rocking her feeble body lightly back and forth as she mumbled the same old words which she was mumbling the whole night after eavesdropping on Aric and his friends from the open window, "Need to get rid of those two bitches. Shitty Shyla and egregious Elliema. Need to get rid of those bitches, need to get rid of those bitches, need to get rid of those bitches, need to---"


She heard the footsteps of someone walking over the dry leaves. She quickly withdrew her long, sharp knife from beneath her bag which was laying aside, and quickly got out of the tent. Her obsession with Aric heightened to a certain level where she didn't mind harming or worse killing anyone.

She anticipated that it might be Trivil. She noticed how he was all eager to catch the stalker, to catch her. She made her way toward the source of the footsteps' sound.

She walked a little further and saw Dane standing there with an axe, scanning the area with his eyes in a brooding manner. His eyes quickly flicked over to the spot where Wiana was standing and she swiftly hid behind the tree. He glared at the spot when his mobile rang. It was Aric.

"Found anyone or anything?" Aric asked.

"No luck till now. You?" Dane said.

Aric exhaled exhaustedly as he spoke, "Nah. Nothing on this side. But I'm sure that person shouldn't be far away. Trivil and Gabrien said last night that they heard something. Somebody is staying on the premises of this land, I'm pretty sure."

Wiana could hear Dane talk but obviously couldn't hear Aric. She understood that they woke up early in the morning with the idea that the stalker might be asleep and they would be able to catch her.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. I appreciate your hard work Aric. But Wiana is way smarter when it comes to you, my love, she thought as she grinned maniacally.

Dane coughed as he spoke, "Well, let's keep this aside for a while and answer me-"

Aric groaned, "Oh not again Dane. We have more important things on our plate right now. No-"

"Just tell me already. What were you and Shayla doing down there, all alone at two 'o'clock, huh?" Dane asked amusingly.

Dane's words made Wiana's blood boil. She snarled faintly like a complete maniac. She felt this sudden urge to stab Dane right across his chest again & again & again until all her anger liberates.

Aric cleared his throat and spoke, "We were.....talking."

"Talking? Uh-huh...I see..Late-night conversation. Nice, keep going," Dane spoke teasingly.

"Shut up. We are just.....friends," Aric replied.

Dane chuckled, "Yeah yeah we saw how much of the friends you guys are, back on the flight."

Aric grinned like a little boy and he was relieved that Dane couldn't see him.

Wiana scratched her nails brutally on the tree trunk with frustration and agitation after hearing what Dane said.

"Aric?" Dane spoke gingerly.

"Hmmm," Aric hummed in response.

"She likes you. You know that right?"

You dumbshit asshole! You are lucky that you are Aric's best friend, otherwise, I would have killed you right here and right now, Wiana spoke to herself.

Aric's face went hot. He wasn't feeling cold anymore. His heart started galloping. He opened and then closed his mouth several times and Dane waited patiently for him to speak, with a smile on his face.

Aric spoke almost in a whisper," You think so?"

"I know so. I have seen her face when you are around her. The look she gives you, the way she looks at you when you are not looking, it's hard to describe in words," Dane spoke and Aric could sense him smiling.

Aric felt his heart going warmer and warmer with Dane's every word. His words were acting like old sweet wine, warming up his internals.

"She doesn't look at you as a fan looks at his idol. It's something else, something more," Dane said.

Aric felt a funny feeling in the pit of his stomach. He felt this sudden impulse to see Shayla. He wanted to rush inside the cottage and then into her room and see her.

"Do you like her?" Dane asked straight away.

Aric's throat choked up with nervousness. He didn't want to hear that question because he knew the answer.


"Do you?"


"Do you like her or not? Tell me now or tell me never," said Dane sincerely.

 Aric knew that one day or another he has to confess to Dane. He felt it would be easier to speak out his emotions on the phone rather than on his face. Aric breathed out shakily, "Yes...I DO."


I Know I have updated late than my usual time. Sorry about that. I was completing my assignments *sighing exhaustedly*

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Wiana Pilop is one of the most interesting characters I have made for this book.

Until the next chapter xoxo

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