Chapter 59- THE DINNER

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"Thank you for picking me up," Shayla said to Aric as both of them sat in the back seat and the driver drove them off to Aric's house.

"Are you a little mad?" Aric asked with a ridiculous expression.

"Why?" Shayla asked confusingly.

"Is your favorite word thank you?" Aric asked again.

"Why- Okay I get it. You don't like 'thank you's..." Shayla said with a sheepish grin.

"I hope you aren't uncomfortable with all this... I don't know what came over my brother. He said he wants to talk to you--"

"I'm not uncomfortable. I'm nervous and scared. I have never met your mother and brother. Do I like good?" Shayla asked consciously.

"Good? You-"

"No lies," Shayla spoke sternly. 

"I never lie to you. You look pretty," Aric spoke sincerely.

Shayla thought she won't blush and she tried not to, but it was involuntary action, not in her control.

"Are they upset with me? That you got shot because of me?" Shayla asked worriedly.

"You! I can't believe this. You know what Shayla? I'm not even gonna answer this nonsense question of yours. You were kidnapped because of me. You weren't at fault. Say this thing one more time and I'm gonna tease you for kissing my poster," Aric said both amusingly and warningly

Shayla gaped at Aric, " blackmailer!"

"Call me whatever you want," Aric said and winked.

Aric's car stopped outside his house and Shayla felt her pulse elevating. Her heart started throbbing with anxiousness.

Aric squeezed her wrist delicately as he whispered, "Relax. I'm here. And trust me I'm more nervous than you."

"Shayla, dear. It's so nice to see you. I must say I missed your presence at the bookstore for the last four days," Mr. Jasial spoke brightly.

"It's nice to see you too Mr. Wiziann," Shayla said as she shook his hand. Aric's father's chirpiness relaxed Shayla a bit.

"Oh, is she that Shayla Oliandrin was talking about?" Mrs. Peppila, Aric's mother, asked as she came to the living room from the kitchen.

Anxiousness hugged Shayla again as she saw Aric's mother, a beautiful lady with long black hair and petite stature coming towards her.

"Aric never told us that his new girlfriend is this cute and adorable. I'm Aric's mother sweetie, Peppila Wiziann."

"What?" Aric and Shayla spoke instantly in unison.

"I'm feeling sad to say that this beautiful girl isn't our son's girlfriend, Pepp," Mr. Jasial spoke while shaking his head at Aric to which he gave a 'What' expression to his father.

"Why? Ah uh. It's a shame, Aric. What more can I expect though? Both of my sons are pretty shy like some teenagers when it comes to love and girls. They should learn something from their father," Mrs. Peppila spoke to Shayla 

"I taught them the tips and tricks of good flirting, but these two are hopeless cases," Mr. Jasial said while shrugging his shoulders.

"At least Aric had one girlfriend. But Oliandrin...." Mrs. Peppila's voice trailed away as she shook her head in disappointment. Shayla found it all funny and wanted to laugh but held herself back. 

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