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Four days went by like a fast racing bike. You didn't realize that the race is over until you cross that finish line. Shayla, Aric, and others didn't realize that it was time to say goodbye to Baskville until they were packing their bags.  

Aric carried satisfaction in his heart that finally, he was able to see Shayla's playful and bubbly side which was buried back in Sourovitas because of all the troubles they faced one after another. 

Nattie, Bianca, and Shayla cried like little babies when they were helping each other pack their bags. Minvis usually don't cry but he, too, felt emotional as his sister was leaving. And Mrs. Sukeney, well, mothers are always emotional for their children. Mr. Stepin was calm and composed but, obviously, he was sad too. 

Shayla felt guilt but she had no option when she lied to her parents that she is going back via train. They insisted to drop her off at the train station but she somehow managed (it took her a huge effort) to prevent them from doing so. She played the emotional card like- I won't be able to leave if I'll see you people standing there and waving at my moving train. It will tear my heart apart and much more. 

Nattie and Bianca were very upset but it was quickly substituted with excitement when Shayla told them that Aric is coming with her too, to see them off. Well, Dane and Leslie were also coming but their main, or should we say all of the concentration was on Aric. 

"Omg, hii! We are not as great a fan as Shayla is, of yours, but we are fans," Nattie said both nervously and excitedly as she shook her hand with Aric. 

"We used to do Carry Marathon at late nights, at Shayla's home," Bianca said calmly as she too shook Aric's hand, but it was all just a facade as from inside she was screaming with excitement.

"Really?" Aric raised his brow amusingly as he shifted his eyes on Shayla and she ducked her head embarrassingly and she cursed Bianca in her head. "Shayla never told me."

"Why?" Nattie said playfully, "Shayla, you should tell him that how you used to say that you will faint when you will meet Carry and that you think he is handsome, cute, and sexy---"

"YOUR TRAIN! It has arrived!" Shayla yelled with her red face as she tried her best to not let Nattie speak anymore. 

"That's not their train, Shayla," Aric, Dane, and Leslie spoke together as all of them tried to conceal their mirthful smiles.

"That's not our train, Shayla," Nattie and Bianca spoke together with a teasing smirk, in unison with Aric, Dane, and Leslie. 

Shayla glared murderously at two of her best friends and whispered 'You are dead' to them. 

"We aren't dead. We are alive, see," Bianca said as she moved back a little, showing her body to Shayla to which Shayla scrunched her eyes furiously. 

Nattie spoke eagerly, "And you know what Aric, she used to listen to your songs on loop-"

"Every fan does that, not a big deal-" Shayla spoke defensively but wasn't able to complete her sentence.

Bianca spoke up, "And one day, she fought with a boy just because he said you aren't good enough-"

Shayla's eyes widened and she said, "No, this isn't the whole story. Let m-"

Nattie spoke up, without paying heed to Shayla, "And she used to dream about you-"

Shayla interjected with a squeaky voice and redder face, "What! No! I never did-"

Bianca spoke up quickly, "She had a poster of yours-"

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