Chapter 49- THE FIRST GIFT

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Tomorrow is my exam, and here I am writing this chapter and then publishing it. I deserve some love *sitting with a puppy face* PLEASE VOTE AND SHOWER YOUR LOVE ON ME...PLEASE


Staring here and there, nothing particular, Shayla yawned. She was observing people, people who were buying clothes, and people who were selling them. Besides alcohol, makeup, and driving, shopping was on the top of her 'don't like'  list. She glanced at her watch. Half an hour to go for seven. Her shift at the bookstore started from seven p.m. to ten p.m. 

"Respina, are you done?" asked Shayla impatiently, as she was waiting for Respina outside the changing room.

"Are you a girl? Your friend, here, is trying to find a good dress, and instead of helping her you just yawning and trying to see Aric," Respina yelled from inside the changing room.

"What--? It's not about Aric. It's about my shift. I'll be late. Also, FYI, I hate shopping," Shyla said while drumming her fingers on the chair handle impatiently. 

"Stop making the shift excuse. I know Aric comes to the bookstore daily. God, love truly makes us selfish sometimes," Respina said.

"I'm not selfish. I'm suffocating in here, amidst these mannequins and boring people, who are judging me for yawning without covering my mouth," Shayla said annoyingly.

"God, you do become a baby when things don't go according to you," Respina said before drawing the curtains away and stepping out. "How do I look?"

Shayla raked her eyes on Respina, who wore a sparkly purple body fit, backless party gown with a round neck, full sleeves, and a medium-sized slit on her left leg. The purple complimented her honey-colored skin.

"Turn around," Shayla said as she flicked her index finger. "Show me your---what they say---yeah, show me your left and right profile stuff." 

Respina did what Shayla told her. "No doubt, you look HOT!" Shayla said brightly.

"You sure?" Respina said with a perplexed smile. 

"Sure? Definitely sure. You look soo goood," Shayla screeched chirpily.

Shayla didn't buy a dress for herself as Respina asked her not to do so. Respina told her that Leslie wants to gift her a party dress which would be Shayla's birthday present from Leslie, in advance. Shayla tried to say no but couldn't. Nobody could say no to Leslie, that was her quality. She was great at convincing people with her soft smile and hard scolding. 

Aric never really cared what he looked like, or what he wore. He used to just randomly wear any outfit which his brother used to say was good. But since Shayla came into his life, he started taking more time getting ready. He grabbed his laptop and when was leaving for the bookstore when his phone rang. It was Respina.

"Yes, Res--"

"I'm so sorry, Aric. I screwed up," Respina said and Aric heard the panic in her voice.

"Are you serious? You had one job. Just one. One.Verbal.Job," Aric said, punctuating each word annoyingly. 

Respina laughed out loudly and Aric exhaled both in relief and annoyance as he spoke warningly, "Respina! When will you stop messing with me?"

"Never," Respina said while shaking her head childishly. "Don't worry, Respina never screws up. Your work is done. I have lied to her...about Leslie and the you told me so."

"Great, I can't thank you enough-"

"I don't need a thank you. I just want you to NEVER HURT SHAYLA," Respina said sincerely.

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