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Both Respina and Shayla skipped their dinner. Their appetite was long gone. Shayla was supposed to go to the bookstore but decided otherwise. Both of the girls were scared to the core. Wiana was a psycho. She could go to any extent and they knew it. What scared them more was Leslie's call. Leslie informed them that Wiana was still in the prison. 

"I give up. I GIVE UP!" Respina said as she palmed her face exasperatingly and sat on the chair. "How is this possible? She's still in jail, then how? HOW?"

Shayla got up from her chair and started pacing the room impatiently. After a while, she spoke up thoughtfully, "Somebody is with her. Somebody from outside is involved with her."

"But who would help that psycho bitch knowing that she's in prison!" Respina asked bafflingly.

"I don't know, but whoever that person is, either he hates me or Aric, or likes Wiana, otherwise who would help a criminal."

"We should tell the police. We are not going to repeat the mistake we did last time," Respina spoke determinately.

"Yeah right. Tell the police, so that they will inform Aric and then he will fuss over my security and not his," Shayla said.

"Wha- You- Are you serious?!" asked Respina astonishingly. 

"I have a plan," Shayla said as she sat on the floor, in front of Respina. 

"And what's that?" Respina asked skeptically.

"We'll go to the police tomorrow and ask them who came to visit Wiana in the past few days and-"

"Will they tell us?"

"-and we'll meet Wiana. There was no sender's address on the envelope. I reckon somebody from Sourovitas sent it."

"Shayla, it's very dangerous, she is very dangerous. We are dealing with Wiana here, a psycho fan, and now a criminal who shot a person. She loathes you. She won't think twice before killing you, and you know that," Respina said with panic and fearfulness.

"Respina I can't risk Aric's life this time, at any cost. If he'll come to know about this, you know he will risk himself, and you know what happened last time when he did that," Shayla said as the image of Aric falling down in her arms after being shot came floating before her eyes and she shuddered with sorrow and fear. 

"Aric will kill me if he'll come to know that I was involved in this stupid plan of yours."

"This is not a stupid plan. Let's form a girls' team- You, me, and Leslie. And maintain the secrecy of this plan, please. We aren't going to involve the boys this time. They act rashly, we'll act smartly. And who said I won't tell the police anything? I surely will once we gather some information about that 'letter-sender.' 

"It's risky," Respina said as she started tapping her feet on the floor in desperation.

"It's not that risky as you are reckoning it to be. Wiana is behind bars and her partner, who sent us this letter, won't kill us."

"Oh really? How can you be sure? Is that 'letter-sender' your cousin or what?" Respina said haughtily as she rolled her eyes.

"Come on Respina, be more logical. I would have been long dead if that person had the guts to pull the trigger or had the intention to harm me. Plus, I have watched loads of movies with psycho fans in them. I don't think that Wiana will approve of the idea of someone else killing her arch-enemy - that's me by the way."

"You sound like an over-confident cocky bitch. Trust me, Coco, you'll end up getting in trouble," Respina said with a warning look in her eyes. 

"Are you listening to me? We are just investigating-"

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