Chapter 6(C)- THE CONCERT

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Respina was standing with a sullen face beside Shayla while the latter was buying light sticks.   

They were going back inside when Shayla stopped abruptly and turned Respina towards herself and spoke, "Enough Res. Why are you spoiling your mood because of that girl, what was her name again? 

"Elliema," Respina grunted.

"Ya, right, Elliema. Listen here Res, I can feel that something isn't right between you two but have a look around yourself. You know where we are standing. It's a concert of your brother-like friend and we are supposed to have a big smile on our face rather than carrying a sulky face around," Respina rolled her eyes to which Shayla spoke softly in a pleading tone, "Cheer up, please, for me?"

"Fine. Now let's go. I think it's about to begin," Respina held Shayla's hand and started dragging her towards the rows.

"Umm, wait, you go ahead, I'll join you in a moment. I have to use the washroom, urgently."

"What? You never use public washrooms, at least that's what you told me."

"I know but I'm very nervous and kind of scared which is making me-"

"OH GOD!" Respina interrupted Shayla, "Pee-pee comes to Shayla when she is nervous," Respina started laughing as she poked Shayla's stomach continuously with her index finger.

Shayla's face turned bright red and she slapped hard on Respina's back and pushed her. "Shut up and go. I'll be there in a minute- wait- hold these light sticks."

"Fine," Respina spoke and made her way back to the front row.

Shayla asked one of the guards for directions to the washroom. "You see that hallway, go there, you'll find the arrows indicating restrooms." It was a narrow hallway lit with yellow and white lights and there were male and female washrooms side by side and some changing rooms ahead.

Shayla did her business and was standing in front of the mirror, staring at herself. She, alone in the washroom, inhaled and exhaled a long deep breath and spoke, "Come on Shayla, don't be nervous. Respina is here and-" Shayla stopped abruptly and turned her head towards the door as she heard some people arguing loudly.

She opened the door and stepped outside only to find four boys arguing aggressively while the fifth one was standing coolly with his back against the wall of the hallway and a smirk was plastered on his face.

She recognized one of the four boys from the pictures which Respina showed her. Shayla had a sharp memory and she always considered this as an advantage but she didn't know that today this quality of hers was going to land her in serious trouble.

She thought that it wouldn't be wise to stand there and listen to them arguing so she decided to slip by. I know he's one of Aric's and Respina's friends but I can't just go there to mediate their fight, they don't know me. Plus the concert will begin any minute now, thought Shayla as she started walking away. She just stepped out of the hallway when she heard a loud noise of punching and someone falling down with a loud thud, which made her stop dead on her track.

She swiftly turned around only to find the boy, whom she recognized from the picture, on the ground. He was none other than Gabrien, but Shayla wasn't able to recall his name, she just remembered his face. She didn't give it a second thought and quickly ran to him and bent down as her eyes fell on his bleeding lower lip. 

"Are you okay? Here give me your hand and get up."

Shayla helped Gabrien to get up and the rest of the boys watched her curiously while the smirk vanished from the fifth boy's face as he pushed his back against the wall and stood up straight.

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