Chapter 29: Starting the shop.

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Your POV:

I woke up the morning and Fred wasn't in the bed. He walks in from the bathroom with his hair dripping and a towel around his waist.

"I will never get used to waking up to this." I chuckle.

"The third time isn't it?"

"Yep and I love it."

He chuckles and starts getting dressed. I remember yesterday clearly. I was feeling a bit achy today but surprisingly could walk.

"Come get dressed love we have to go see if the shop is open soon."


I walk to the bathroom and take a shower. The warmth of the water relaxed my muscles and it felt amazing.

After the shower I got dressed. My outfit is a pink tied up shirt, light blue ripped jeans, and white shoes. I slip my locket on. I haven't been wearing it because of Fred's horny moods recently. I didn't want it broken.

"You're wearing your locket." He says smiling.

"Of course. I love this photo of us at the ball."

"Me too my love." He says kissing me.

"Can you give me a ride downstairs again?"

"Ah why not"

I jump on his back and he carried me down the stairs. What we didn't know was my mum and dad where at the bottom.

"Aww you guys are so cute." My mum compliments.

"Thank you mum."

"I have to admit that was cute." My dad says.

"Alright now done." Fred says dropping me.

"Love the outfit." My mum says.

"Thank you."

"Y/N" I hear my name being called.

"I- who called my name."

"Sorry it was me." Hermione says from behind me.

"Kind of scared me there Mione."

"Sorry." She says laughing.

George comes running down the stairs.

"Ready for today?" He questions.

"Yep." Me and Fred say together.

"Alright let's go now. Well stop for donuts on the way."

"Sounds great. Let's go."

"Hermione tell mum that we went to see the shop when she wakes up." Fred says as we walk out of the house.

We head to the shop and grab donuts.
Surprisingly I finished mine before the twins.

"Hungry love?" Fred questions.

"Yep. Also question." I reply.

"What is it Y/N?" George asked.

"Do you guys have a name for the shop?"

"Indeed we do. What we didn't tell you was along with the man and the stairs, the name of the shop is going to be painted as well." George explains.


"Always." Fred says laughing.

George put the pattern in the wall and the way to Diagon Alley opened. When we got to the shop I read the top.

"First of all wow, the giant twin looks amazing and it moves." I say.

"Yep." They say.

"Second of all, Weasley Wizarding Wheezes. I love it!" I exclaim and hug them. "I'm literally so happy for you guys." I continue.

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