Chapter 78: Starting the move

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*2 day skip*

"Ready to get the keys today?" Fred asked as we went to leave the house.

"Yep." I respond.

Today is the day we get the keys to our hopefully forever home. Gideon was dropped off at the Burrow with everyone while Fred and I get the keys and go shopping for some things for the house.

Using apparation we ended up outside the house before Alicia.(I haven';t written in a bit I think that's her name?Please correct me if i'm wrong.) About ten minutes later she pulled up in her car. Walking up to us she held out the keys with a smile.

"Here you guys go. The house is yours.Let me know if anything happens to be different or if you need anything. Also outside of being your agent i'm your friend whenever you need help moving or just need to go out for a day, don't be afraid to call me. It's the same number on my card."

"Thank you for everything you've done so far." I thank her.

"Of course, you guys are actually the nicest clients i've ever had to help buy a house.'

"Yea, we were raised to respect people."

"So was I." She says with a smile.

Then her phone vibrates and she looks back at us.

"I wasn't expecting my next client to be early. I've got to run please don't be afraid to call me. See you guys later."


As she was driving both Fred and I jumped feeling a hand on our shoulder.Turning around it was George.

"Blimey mate." Fred laughs it off.

"I hate how silent apparation is a thing but now you know it feels." I laugh as well.

"Well sorry for the bit of a scare but Y/N your parents said they have something to show you."

"What? Why couldn't they have shown us this morning?"

"Well correction it is for both of you but i'm not sure I was just sent to get you two."

"Well alright even though we just got the keys."

"Oh and I love the outside of the house and I haven't even seen in the inside yet." George says.

"Haha yea its amazing."

Apparating back to the Burrow the first thing I hear is Gideon's cries. My brother walked in holding him.

"I swear to Godric I love him so much, but please quiet him." He complains.

I laugh and gently take Gideon from him. Then my parents came in over.

"He's only been crying since George left." My mum informs me.

"Oh,well that's not long at all." George answers.

"So, not to be rude but why were me and Fred called back here?"

"Well we bought you guys something that will help not apparate with a newborn." My dad replies.

"Oh- wait.. its not."

My mum holds up a car key and my jaw drops.

"You guys didn't have to." Fred was the first to speak.

"I know but after the down payment for the house and now having to get stuff we decided to help."

"Thank you guys so much." I said hugging them a bit weird since Gideon was still crying in my arms.

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