Chapter 38: The Proposal

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Mia's POV

It's been a day since the Burrow was burnt down. Yesterday Harry, Ron and Ginny left to Hogwarts. The pain has eased and I feel lot better. Only sometimes there would be a sudden pain, when I move fast. Freddie and Georgie would keep reminding me to walk slowly and take care. Most of the time, I sit in the shed. The ground floor had almost completely been reconstructed, they were now doing the other floors. None of them would allow me help. So, I was sitting in the shed, looking at them them fixing the house, when I heard a voice from behind me.

"Why is it every time I see you end up with more scars?" someone said. I turned to see who it was. It was Bill.

"Oh hey Bill! How are you!?" I asked.

"I'm good! How are you!?" he asked.

"I'm okay! With all of you looking after me...I have nothing to be afraid of!" I said.

"But you are afraid!" he said.

"I am! Only to lose any of you! Not about me!" I said.

"Well we are afraid for you! Freddie, of all!" I heard someone else. It was Charlie.

"Hey Charlie!" I said.

"So Roxanne huh!?" Charlie asked.

"Shut up!" I said looking away from them.

"I had seen you that night! I just never thought you would be the one!" Bill said.

"I know...Molly told me!" I said.

"So you're finally a Weasley!?" Charlie said.

"What!? No!!" I said.

"He hasn't asked you yet!?" Bill asked.

"Asked me what!?" I asked though I knew what he meant.

"Don't act innocent!" Charlie said.

"She doesn't have to act innocent...she is!" I heard Fred telling.

"Hey Freddie!" I said as I looked at me.

"Hey love!" Freddie said as he kissed me on my forehead.

"So zis must be ze couple Bill told me about!" I heard a feminine voice, with a French accent. It was Fleur.

"Fleur Delacour!! It's great to see you!" I said giving her a firm handshake. "I thought Bill was never going to introduce me to you!" I said looking at Bill.

"Shut up! We are anyways getting married, you could see her even then!" Bill said. He turned to Freddie "Back to my question, you haven't asked her yet!?" he asked with a smirk. I looked at Fred. He looked at him as though he wanted to hit him.

"What's wrong Freddie!?" I asked him.

"We have to go to Diagon Alley! Get some things for the house!" Fred said.

"Can I come!?" I asked him. "Pleasee!!"

"No! I will not take you!" he said.

"You don't have to...I will come with you!" I said.

"No!" he said.

"Please!! Pretty please!!" I asked him holding his hand.

"You act like a kid!" he said with a smile and walked towards the house.

"So does that mean I can come!?" I asked him as I too walked with him. He turned towards me and took a deep breathe.

"No!" he said with a smile and walked towards George.

BREATH-TAKEN[A Fred Weasley Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now