Blood brothers

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Izuku pov
We watched the door as the handle starts to move. We all got into a fight stance not knowing who was going to walk through. The door opened to reveal Jiro as she breathed in and out. It looked like she ran the whole time. "Well. Let's go.". And with that we walked into the building. We fallowed Jiro until we came to a split hall. Kaminari walks over to the right hall pointing. "I say we go right.". We all looked around for a moment. I bent down to Eclipse. I watched him closely.

It looked like he wanted to go right. I looked up from him as the group talked about which way we should go. I looked down the long dark hallway. I stood up and walked over to the right hallway. "Izuku?". Uraraka turned to me. Then to the hall. "You think we should go right huh.". I nodded. I just had a feeling. Kaminari walked over pointing to the left hall. "Todoroki, Momo and I think we should go left.". I frowned. "I think we should go right.". I pointed down the hall. "It feels right.".

Todoroki turned to me. "You can't go off feeling Izuku. Left is the better option because when we were outside this way lead to a another building. That way doesn't lead that far. It's more better to go left.". Jiro turned and walked over to me. "Well then it's a split. Three want to go left three and to go right. So catch.". Jiro passed Momo the walkie talkie. "We call the other if we need help. Or of course if they were right and found Bakugou and Shinzo.".

Eclipse hissed at her clearly not wanting us to split up. "Ok then. Be quick and quiet.". Kaminari turned to walk while Todoroki stared at me. I stared back as he bit his lip. He closed his eyes and breathed in and out. "Be safe...". With that he left with Momo and Kaminari. Eclipse looked up to me. It looked like I was leading this mission.

Walking though the halls both Jiro and Uraraka stayed silent. We soon turned a corner and saw a door. Jiro walked up to it using her quirk to listen to the other side. "I don't hear anything.". She whispers. Trying the doorknob it opened. We walked in looking around. There were papers all over the place. Blood was no were to be seen. Which was the most scary part to me. I walked over to a drawer and slid it open. There inside it was a caller. My eyes widened seeing the words carved in it.

Smart ass pet was carved into it. It looked old and was small in size. Under it was three papers. I put the caller back and took the papers. The title of the page was large and in bold. Hell Program. The name rang through my head making me want to vomit. I didn't know why though. Human Enhancing Lavish Life program was under the large words. "Izuku there's nothing here we should move on.". I quickly pocketed the papers and fallowed Uraraka and Jiro out the room. I looked to the ground to see Eclipse not there.

Shinso POV -twenty minutes before the group arrived-
I screamed as the villain cut my already broken arm. "Oh so much blood!". She giggled. "Get off of me!". I struggled against the chains. I looked over to Bakugou to see blood dripping from in wounds. She had already got to him before knocking him out. It was because he didn't scream like she wanted him to. She kept giggling and then a crazed smile washed over her in a matter of seconds. My arms felt like they were burning. I heaved a sigh when she got off of me.

I watched her move from me to a box in the centre of the room. She opened it showing two needles with a blood coloured liquid in them. "I wasn't here when they had a smart nomu but I was told this was the thing that help make him.". She turned to me with a toothy smile. "But then he got away and became your brother didn't he! Don't you want to feel a bit of what your all to special brother went through?". I spit up some blood which just seemed to make her smile more.

"If it's so good why don't you stick that needle in yourself.". I waited for a answer. But she never gave me one. She walked over to Bakugou and bent down. She placed the needle to his neck. My eyes widened. If that was the thing that made Izuku so broken, then what was it going to do to us!? "Get away from him! You can't do this! The hero's will come and save us!". She pushed the needle into Bakugou's neck. It was like the room slowed down as I watched the liquid.

"You like seeing people in pain right! Think of how much pain you could cause if you put two needles in one person! Put both of them in me!". I yelled out before I could think. She quickly took the needle out without pushing the liquid into Bakugou. Turning her head she smiled widely about to say something. She however caught herself. "Shit...". I whispered. I needed her to reply! "Two needles in one person?". I tried to use my quirk but what she said was not a reply. She was talking to herself.

I pushed my body away with my legs as she walked closer to me holding two needles. She kicked me in the jaw and bent down in front of me. I looked at the needles seeing a word carved into the glass. Hell Program. I struggled against her as she stabbed both needles into my broken arm. My breath hitched as I watched the red liquid get pushed into my body. Burning. My arm flared up in pain as I felt like my skin itself was burning away. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH".

The room began to spin as I felt vomit immediately rise in my throat. The burning soon covered my whole body as I could only focus on the pain. Tears rolled down my face as I kept screaming. But nothing was coming out of my mouth. It was like my own body wasn't letting me scream. I banged my own head against the wall behind me as I just wanted the pain to stop. A trickle of blood flowed down from my eyes covering my vision in red.

~fifteen minutes later~

A cooling feeling spread from my arm. I don't know how long I've been in pain but it's like every minute it would just get worse. My head fell as I couldn't hold it up. "Is that it?". My vision slowly came back but was still red with blood. Vomit raised in my throat as I turned my head to the side and let it out. "I thought it was going to be more fun to watch...". The villain girl whined. With the bit of strength I had left I looked up at her. Rage filled my mind watching her.

Is this what Izuku went through? No, it was much worse then this. A small growl came from me catching her attention. "Oh your still awake!". She chuckled. My head fell back down as I was not strong enough to keep it up. She walked over with a knife and put it to my chest. "Let's have some fun~".

This is what voting for Shinso got you guys remember. Getting kidnapped lead to this. Do you regret your decision?
(Does anyone actually look at the pics I put on each chapter?)

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